Saturday, July 27, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - Mindfulness in Leadership: Make Room for Your Spiritual Being in Your Role as a Leader

CEO AdvisoryCEO Insights

Mindfulness in Leadership: Make Room for Your Spiritual Being in Your Role as a Leader

Ora Nadrich

As an organizational leader, it’s your goal to create a positive and productive workplace. You can lead in this effort by example, using Mindfulness and meditation as a backdrop for how you approach your work life. These practices will help you discover who you are at your core level of integrity and authenticity, and how to stay true to them while leading others.

Mindfulness allows you to become present in the moment with total awareness. It raises your level of consciousness and connects you to your true, benevolent self. You’re able to show up in all the moments of your life as present and as authentic as you can be. By knowing yourself better and uncovering your true authentic spirit, you’re able to bring your best self to your pursuits as a leader.

Start each day by practicing Mindfulness through meditation or focused breathing. Begin with several deep breaths to help you clear your mind and connect with your inner calm and spiritual being. When you make the effort to mediate on your breath at the start of each day, you move into your day with decreased stress, increased focus and the ability to navigate your interactions with others with calm neutrality.

Keep these Mindfulness tips in mind to enhance your effectiveness as a leader.

  1. Broaden your perspective. Oftentimes you can be in that “me-centric” bubble that keeps you in your own head. When you allow the flurry of oppressive thoughts to take over, there’s much you miss. Mindfulness stretches your bandwidth to include other people in your thoughts, even when you’re in the turmoil of a busy day. It reminds you again and again not to only think of yourself.
  2. Bring yourself into the present. When you’re unaware of yourself in a moment, it’s easy to respond or react to what’s going on unconsciously. That’s when you may say and do things impulsively, and wish you hadn’t. When you bypass observing and go into reacting, you’re unable to think clearly because your awareness is fuzzy and unfocused. Any mindless impulse is easily triggered. By being present and aware in a moment, you’re cognizant of whatever is occurring, be it pleasant or difficult, and your awareness of it tells you exactly what to do. This is consciousness working.
  3. Connect with your authentic self. Mindfulness and authenticity are inexorably linked — you can’t be effectively mindful without being authentic. And Mindfulness helps you to not forget your true nature. It keeps you present and aware. If you feel an impulse to be inauthentic, it reminds you immediately that falseness of any kind feels wrong with every fiber of your being. Finding time to stop the “doing” and connect more to your spiritual being will always bring you back to the inner dwelling of your wholeness, which, in essence, is the authentic self.
  4. Reveal your intention. Mindfulness reminds you to be in the moment with total awareness. It’s a way to continually check in with yourself. When you stop what you’re doing and devote some time to connect to your higher self — your spiritual being — that’s when you can hear the voice of your intention loud and clear. Once you do, you know explicitly how to act on it.
  5. Find balance. Balance your day with present moment intervals to pause among the never-ending demands and busy-ness. When you step back, you realize that you’ve been on autopilot and may be missing so much of what’s happening around you. Become aware of the present moment, noticing how you feel and what you see, hear and smell. Take a few deep, conscious breaths and connect with your inner calm. You’ll immediately feel less stressed.
  6. Focus on your breath. When you find yourself feeling that you’re not fully present, or beginning to react unthinkingly to whatever you’re experiencing, put your focus and awareness on your breath. Remember your non-separation from it. By doing this with consistency, you’ll find that you can catch yourself more quickly when you’re about to slip out of the present moment and can bring your awareness right back with ease.

As a leader, what you do with your today will affect all of the todays of everyone around you. Let people see you as someone who is awake, sharp and perceptive of what’s really going on, and let that ignite awareness in others. When you begin each day using Mindfulness to bring total awareness, you become completely clear about what it is you want to manifest, and why. In addition, you show others around you how be their best selves and create a better reality for everyone.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - Mindfulness in Leadership: Make Room for Your Spiritual Being in Your Role as a Leader
Ora Nadrich
Ora Nadrich is a pioneering Mindfulness expert, international keynote speaker and coach, and the founder and president of the Institute for Transformational Thinking. A sought-after expert in the fields of Mindfulness, transformational thinking and self-discovery, she is the author of Says Who? How One Simple Question Can Change the Way You Think Forever, and Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity, named “one of the 100 Best Mindfulness Books of All Time” by BookAuthority, Mindfulness and Mysticism: Connecting Present Moment Awareness with Higher States of Consciousness, and Time to Awaken: Changing the World with Conscious Awareness.

Ora Nadrich is an Executive Council member at the CEOWORLD magazine. You can follow her on LinkedIn, for more information, visit the author’s website CLICK HERE.