Sunday, September 8, 2024

archiveEconomics Insider

School teacher and children
Success and Leadership

3 Lessons From the Pandemic I Hope CEOs Pass On to Their Children and Teams

As COVID-19 upended work life as we knew it, company leaders noticed marked changes in themselves. Thankfully, working parents can pass these new mindsets, values, and attributes along to teams — and kids — to help them be more successful in their own careers and lives. Cristobal Viedma chats about what...
CEO Insights


Thirty-six years ago, a young Afghan girl peered through haunting green eyes from the cover of National Geographic’s June issue. She was Sharbat Gula, orphaned during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and in 1984 she, her siblings, grandmother, and scores of other refugees had fled on foot toward Pakistan. The...
Victoria Song
CEO Insider

Let Your Emotions Get in the Way

The key code to bending reality is feeling what arises. The subconscious needs to be cleared of its contractions in order to access the zero-point field, which gives rise to physical reality. You’ll probably experience the most resistance to this code. This is normal and why most everyone you know...
CEO Advisory

How to Get Employee Buy-In on New Software Systems

Learning new software can be stressful for employees and employers alike. However, digital transformation is an important endeavor for many companies. Leaders can achieve employee buy-in by addressing these four common causes of hesitation. A recent report from the International Data Corporation (IDC) suggests global spending on technologies and services related to digital...
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