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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Success and Leadership - The 3 Zones of Comfortness and How We Should Act

Success and Leadership

The 3 Zones of Comfortness and How We Should Act

Man jumps from the comfort zone to success

According to psychiatrists, there are three zones of comfort that everybody is in depending on their particular situation, period of time, and character. It is the comfort, learning, and panic zone. While each is crucial, the learning zone is the most beneficial and the one we should try to stick with. Let’s check each of them and see why they are so important.

  1. Comfort zone
    We all live in our comfort zone most time during the day. This area is a place where we feel completely stress-free, and sometimes we may almost lack the motivation to take a step forward. We have established a network of friends and people we interact with every day, and we have learned to communicate with them. As relaxing as this area is, it is hiding a threat. Being too comfortable often means you are unwilling to move forward and evolve as a personality. Of course, evolution is not the purpose for everyone, nor is it necessary that life has a purpose on its own. However, staying there may mean that you will never discover who you are and will never meet all these interesting aspects of your personality that will help you live a more meaningful life. By all means, no one can refuse that finding meaning in this beautiful journey is something everybody wants to experience. A good example of this is comfy food. It may be pleasant to taste and easy for the stomach to digest. Still, it does not provide the body with all those essential ingredients that are useful for its advanced performance. Still, comfy food provides you with the calories that are vital for your survival. Survival was a goal in ancient times when people fought death and threats daily. Today, survival is reassured, and we all struggle for this extra mile that will turn our lives into a set of exciting experiences.
  2. Learning zone
    The learning zone appears when we finally make this step and move on from the comfort zone. The learning zone is a common zone for children where they must discover everything independently. As years pass, we learn fewer things day by day. In childhood, experimenting and learning are common. That is because kids simply do not have another choice. In one of the Batman movies, an interesting part of the plot reveals how a young child manages to make a huge jump and escape a trap. According to the scenario, a kid managed to do that while Batman was trying and failing repeatedly. This happened because the child was attempting the jump without being tied to any rope. If the kid fell, that meant it would die directly.
    On the contrary, Batman was tied to the rope. Therefore, he knew that failure would not mean that he would die, so he subconsciously sabotaged himself. Batman only made the greatest jump when he removed the rope and risked his life to gain his freedom. This is a perfect example of how taking the courage to try something will suddenly benefit you.
  3. Panic zone
    The panic zone is when someone gets totally out of their daily routine, and everything around them is new. The panic zone usually appears without us choosing it. War may drive us to a panic zone, for example, while we don’t have any initiative in the situation. Yet, there are cases when we bring ourselves into hard situations without realizing them. For instance, someone decides to leave their job because they are underpaid. The result is that they are completely left out of money, and they start panicking. Was their decision a courageous choice, or was it driven by the idea that gaining less money is unacceptable? One will discover after they have made their choice and see what’s next. If the person freaks out, this means it was a rapid decision, and the fact that the person got extremely stressed was not for the best. The ideal is always to feel more alert but not panicked.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Success and Leadership - The 3 Zones of Comfortness and How We Should Act
Anna Siampani
Anna Siampani, Lifestyle Editorial Director at the CEOWORLD magazine, working with reporters covering the luxury travel, high-end fashion, hospitality, and lifestyle industries. As lifestyle editorial director, Anna oversees CEOWORLD magazine's daily digital editorial operations, editing and writing features, essays, news, and other content, in addition to editing the magazine's cover stories, astrology pages, and more. You can reach Anna by mail at