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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Success and Leadership - The 2 Ingredients of Storytelling

Success and Leadership

The 2 Ingredients of Storytelling

Author's desktop with typewriter and flying pieces of papers

From writing a novel to producing a film, the idea, in most cases, is that the creator wants to tell a story to the world. Today, we will see the two basic tools that creators use as the story evolves to find an ending.

  1. The need to make sense
    The fictional world that someone needs when they turn on their TV or go to the movies is fake for a reason. The reality is that fiction is often not even close to what we live in real life. One could argue that since movies and reality shows are so far from the truth, how do they make us feel familiar and help us identify ourselves in there and finally engage with their content? In other words, how do they convince us to watch them? The answer is hidden in a need that is common in most of us, and society increases it due to its insane structure.
    Each of us lives in a world where we feel things have to make sense. We have been trained to follow the mindset that each action has a consequence. This is a whole philosophy that the most sophisticated thinkers have developed over the past centuries, and it is worth a shot to explore it. The first thing that this mindset has to offer is to train people to be obedient to serve the community. If everyone acted based on their own benefit or opinion, the world would be a jungle. The idea that if we do something good, we will be rewarded is helpful. The same rule applies to bad actions, and people are expected to be punished if they go down the wrong road.
    The next argument lies in the fact that scientists could not find any other way to approach the truth that the universe holds for us. In other words, it is a common truth that there is a tight bond between cause and effect, and people got that. So, finally, scientists affected philosophers and, eventually, society.
    However, as it turns out, this is not the only way to explain the universe, nature, society, and life. A quick look around us will prove that things commonly get out of the way, and every law has exceptions; sometimes, there are so many that they even make us hesitate to trust that law again. Doubts are growing, and they appear as an obstacle in our way. Even though we know there is not just one simple way for things to happen, we dislike it when we come across exceptions, and real life is full of them. We have to retrain our minds to accept items that do not evolve as we have been expecting and mess up our initial plans.
    Here comes fiction to fix things. While life provides us with big chaos instead of the order we anticipated to experience, TV shows and cinema do not do that. In movies, there is always logic. The good guy finally wins, and there is usually a happy end to satisfy the audience. Considering that the producers want you to stay home and watch their productions, it is highly expected that they will offer what their audience wants and finally serve and satisfy our needs. Our inner child needs to have an understanding of the world, and virtual reality, myths, and fiction will offer that generously.
  2. People are not just one thing
    A common fact in most fiction stories is that there are always good and bad guys. Fairytales are full of examples of mean witches and dangerous monsters while innocent children and kind-hearted kings are waiting to let the good dominate. An evolution of this concept lies in most modern productions. The difference between good and evil is not so extravagant, but it surely exists.
    The interesting part comes when we start to analyze the characters of the play or the movie. The basic characteristic that is generally present in most productions is that characters have only one dimension, which separates them from real people. You see, in real life, no one is just good or just bad. Everyone has many parts in their personality; depending on the situation, they bring out the aspect that is more convenient for them. Each of us is a combination of all of our siblings, yet we comprise a different personality. We are deeply affected by our mom, dad, brothers, etc. Our subconscious mind carries all of these personalities buried inside and has them interacting uniquely. Proof of that is given by the fact that some people may even act as if they have multiple personalities. Therefore, suggesting that the character of the movie is just good, for example, comes only to help the script and help the audience make sense, as we said previously.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Success and Leadership - The 2 Ingredients of Storytelling
Anna Siampani
Anna Siampani, Lifestyle Editorial Director at the CEOWORLD magazine, working with reporters covering the luxury travel, high-end fashion, hospitality, and lifestyle industries. As lifestyle editorial director, Anna oversees CEOWORLD magazine's daily digital editorial operations, editing and writing features, essays, news, and other content, in addition to editing the magazine's cover stories, astrology pages, and more. You can reach Anna by mail at