Saturday, July 27, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Education and Career - 10 Weird Courses You Can Pursue in Universities

Education and Career

10 Weird Courses You Can Pursue in Universities

Business School Students

Once we graduate school, we are most likely to pursue higher education in a field which is conventionally known and accepted. Be it Arts, Science, Law or fashion, we all know about major courses and degree programs running under them. But, what if I tell you that there are courses being taught around the world which may sound weird to you?

Yes, today, I am going to spice it up a little with a brief introduction to some of the most unusual courses you might not have heard of. Honestly, if you ask me, they are not weird but creative. But, I will leave them for you to decide.

Here are 10 of them for you:

  1. Surf Science
    If you like waves and like surfing on them, then you must consider studying them. Yes, there is a course on Surf Science and Technology which teaches students about the fundamentals of surfing and related scientific developments. You can find this course at Cornwall College.

    Kite Surfing

  2. Mastering The Puppets
    Puppetry shows are gradually becoming things of the past, and the closest we have anything which can be called one is Sesame Street and television shows of similar kind. Yet, the art of making puppets and performing with them is considered important in the world of drama and theatre.  If you are interested, you can pursue a course on Puppetry Design and Performance from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama at the University of London.

  3. Bowling
    Ever thought bowling could be studied at university? Well, the University of Vincennes runs a course on Bowling Industry Management and Technology. The outcome of the course is straightforward: to make students perform better in recreational environments and prepare them for employment in the said industry.

  4. Theme Park Engineering
    Theme parks are becoming increasingly popular lately and their popularity has resulted in the demand of engineers skilled in the development of theme parks and its concomitants. Well, if you are interested, you might want to pursue a course on Theme Park Engineering at California State University.
  5. Adventure Education
    Talk about taking adventure to a whole new level with an actual University course on it. Well, Plymouth State University runs a course on Adventure Education which is not only academic but also involves its students in practical situations. From learning about various forms of adventure activities to actually performing them as part of training, the course will prepare you for everything.
  6. Entertainment Engineering & Design
    Until a few hours ago, I thought that there is just an event management course which prepares you for everything, but hell no. The University of Nevada in Las Vegas (obviously!) has prepared a course for those who are interested in pursuing a career in entertaining people. Finish this course with shining colors and invite me to your first-ever project (a concert is preferable!).
  7. Yacht Studies
    South Devon College takes boats very seriously. In fact, it has courses on a variety of them, but the Yacht Studies is the main highlight. The college runs a course on Yacht Operations which educate and train students on various aspects of yacht handling such as navigation.

  8. Circus
    Circus performance is not for the faint-hearted. For a long time, there were no academic courses on circus performances, but today, there are studies done on them.  A course at Bath Spa University teaches and trains students on contemporary circus performance. The course is not entirely academic, as noted earlier, and experts are called in to provide physical training to students. Students even get to do performances in actual circuses.

  9. Brewing and Distilling
    Alcohol industry requires experts on brewing and distilling and anyone interested in reaping benefits out of this demand should consider joining Heriot-Watt University which runs a course in this field. With a degree in your hand, you will make it big in the alcohol business.

  10. Watchmaking
    Also called Horology, watchmaking business is as big as it was before. There is a lot of demand for skilled watchmakers, but things do not go the conventional way. Watchmaking is no longer a necessarily family business or a self-taught skill; you can enroll in an academic course on it. The Horology Degree is available at Birmingham City University.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Education and Career - 10 Weird Courses You Can Pursue in Universities
Ayushi Kushwaha
Ayushi Kushwaha, Staff Writer for the CEOWORLD magazine. She’s spent more than a decade working for various magazines, newspapers, and digital publications and is now a Staff Writer at The CEOWORLD magazine. She writes news stories and executive profiles for the magazine’s print and online editions. Obsessed with unlocking high-impact choices to accelerate meaningful progress, she helps individuals and organizations stand out and get noticed. She can be reached on email