Saturday, July 27, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Lifestyle and Travel - Top 5 Lifestyle Changes For A Healthy CEO Lifestyle

Lifestyle and Travel

Top 5 Lifestyle Changes For A Healthy CEO Lifestyle


As fitness has become the hot trend of the era with crowded gyms and crazy diets, what do you think guides this whole concept?  We will go on a limb here to say that it is this innate desire to look aesthetic that commands this, the aspiration to fit into your old school jeans.

Adapting a healthier lifestyle will help you achieve the goal of fitness more realistically than spending hours in gym. Besides, not everybody has time to completely transform their schedules to fit in some gym or spinning class!

Therefore, we bring to you some tips and daily tricks to settle yourself in a healthier lifestyle sans having to disturb your busy life.

  1. Get a bicycle
    We can understand when you say exercising is too much of a burden and therefore, we bring to you the easiest way of working out, i.e. cycling. Feel the fresh morning breeze on your face while riding the bicycle. And no, it is not as childish as you may feel while riding it. In fact, if you’re cycling in the early morning hours, chances are that you’ll discover more adults on these bikes as compared to kids!
    Not only cycling makes a good workout, it also makes for a great and eco-friendly means of transportation! Prefer using the bike to travel the shorter distances. Make sure you are equipped with the protective gear while riding bikes and you are good to go. And if you’re one of the people who don’t know how to ride a bicycle, fret not! Walking every day can be an alternative for you, which is honestly far better than choosing to sit idle. If starting out feels difficult, try grabbing a few work buddies and start biking to work together!

    Businessman riding bicycle

  2. Replace your morning toast with oatmeal.
    Well, we all have desires and some of us align a little towards not eating healthily if it saves us 5 minutes in the morning. But what if we tell you, that you can have taste as well as healthy nutrients in one quickly prepared wholesome meal?
    Oatmeal is one such meal that can make your tongue water and it also suffices the health bracket. And the best thing about oatmeal is its flexibility! You can make oatmeal exactly to your liking— be it chocolaty, fruity, or even spicy!

    BusinessMan Eating

  3. Drink a glass of warm water with honey in the morning.
    An early morning glass of warm water with honey before breakfast will not only solve your weight issues but will also reduce those zits and acnes that most gladly make a grand appearance on special occasions. This is also one of the “detox drinks” you keep hearing about. Make sure you drink this elixir every morning to stay in shape and lead a healthy life!
  4. Drink plenty of water.
    It might be the oldest trick in the book, but staying hydrated is synonymous to a healthy lifestyle. Although we can understand that plenty of water means a lot of urinating breaks, but for that skin to remain glowing and radiant, this is obviously a petty sacrifice to make. Drinking plenty of water is also linked with reduced hunger and flushing out those toxins.

    BusinessWoman Drinking Water

  5. A peaceful 8-hour beauty sleep and a few minutes of Meditation.
    For your body to function effortlessly, the beauty sleep is a must. We can understand that in a stressful world like ours, a peaceful sleep is a far-fetched dream very few get to live. However, sleep is the time where your body does all the repairing and regeneration of damaged cells. This also includes the building of muscles you worked so hard in the gym for!
    And since with so many advice around for physical fitness, we inadvertently forget about mental fitness. Just a 5-10 minute meditation can set you for the day, and even increase concentration and mental health!

A majority of us subscribe to gyms in order to better our physical healthy, but it is noteworthy that without making a considerable shift in our lifestyle, it is almost impossible to lead a healthy life; so do follow the aforementioned tips. We wish you a healthy lifestyle, and hope you start working towards it as soon as today!

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Lifestyle and Travel - Top 5 Lifestyle Changes For A Healthy CEO Lifestyle
Bhavishya Pahwa
Travel and Fashion writer at CEOWORLD magazine. Travel tips and news, destination ideas, trip inspiration, and more.