Saturday, July 27, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Special Reports - Playing With Animals Can Help Next Generations

Special Reports

Playing With Animals Can Help Next Generations

Youth entertainment in the digital age is undoubtedly a controversial topic. On the one hand, the means are plenty, and the choices of young people vary. On the other hand, the obsession with technology and what it offers is a negative factor in the formation of a young person’s character, mind, and soul.

So the genuine entertainment of young people in the digital age tends to be replaced by meaningless ways of disrupting their free time. With the mastery of video games and interactivity, teenagers spend endless hours in front of screens and become heroes in a world of illusion, a fictional world.

The disadvantages of entertainment in the digital age

Looking back in older decades, genuine entertainment and choices offered various benefits to the individual. The choice of a good book, the attendance of a theatrical performance, and sports activities contributed to the spiritual and mental completion of the individual. They offered stimuli that acted positively on their education.

Unfortunately, the majority of 21st-century teenagers have turned exclusively to technology. They spend endless hours on social media as they “watch” the daily life of their friends. “Stories” dominate, and the individual’s personal life is now a way of entertainment. Friendships move into virtual reality. Contact with the classic book does not exist, and young people are lost in the digital world.

The dominance of illegitimate entertainment

The entertainment of young people in the digital age is ultimately purely an “illegitimate” form of utilization of free time. Free time is undoubtedly limited due to the varied obligations of adolescents, and what remains is not exploited for the person’s benefit. It is, therefore, imperative to limit the greedy use of digital media by the individual, especially adolescents. It is necessary to return to forms of entertainment that will contribute to the spiritual and moral physique of the individual. Choices that will lead to the emergence of the human personality and not to its devaluation. We live in a time in need of the value of humanism, a value that is anything but highlighted through digital technology.

Seeking a healthy escape

Only through other occupations will the person regain the true meaning in life through the cultivation of direct interpersonal relationships. You will discover what soul treatment means by joining voluntary organizations and enhancing empathy. As for the digital media that overwhelm our lives, perhaps it is time for people to dominate them rather than the opposite. As it turns out, the easiest way to distract young people from technology is through animals. Especially at very young ages, this works out for the best.

Focusing on the connection with animals

Love towards animals, and the role of the school in its development and strengthening is crucial. Studies have proven that there can be excellent communication between an animal and a person, especially when this relationship develops since childhood. It is therefore expected that the school is the next institution of education after the family to contribute to cultivating this love.

The child must understand from the earliest years of their lives when they start to conceive the world, that all creatures of nature need love and respect. Love towards animals is necessary to be cultivated initially through the family. The family must show the kid how to care for and protect animals. And if this has not been achieved in the family environment, the school could take on this role. Adult family members have to nurture children so that they realize how much care and protection “our animal friends” need. They also need to recognize that they also feel lonely and afraid.

Learning to love animals

In case the child has not acquired animal feelings while at home, the school is invited to enhance love towards animals. Especially in the early student years, something like this can be achieved in various ways. For example, viewing videos related to simple everyday stories in the context of experiential education or teaching stories starring animals. It is necessary to realize that by loving animals, we conquer the first “step” toward empathy. Growing up and passing through the other levels of education, contact with animal welfare groups and volunteers who care for animals can help develop animal welfare.


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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Special Reports - Playing With Animals Can Help Next Generations
Anna Siampani
Anna Siampani, Lifestyle Editorial Director at the CEOWORLD magazine, working with reporters covering the luxury travel, high-end fashion, hospitality, and lifestyle industries. As lifestyle editorial director, Anna oversees CEOWORLD magazine's daily digital editorial operations, editing and writing features, essays, news, and other content, in addition to editing the magazine's cover stories, astrology pages, and more. You can reach Anna by mail at