Saturday, July 27, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Briefing - Don’ts While Traveling To Moscow (Russia)

CEO Briefing

Don’ts While Traveling To Moscow (Russia)

Kremlin, Moscow, Russia

Russia is known for many things—one of them being its very own capital Moscow. Moscow is one of the federal cities of the country and is the center of mainstream political, cultural and economic developments. It is becoming increasingly popular as a tourist destination and enjoys the status of an alpha city.

The importance of Moscow cannot be undermined in any way. Due to the relevance of this city, there are a number of things which tourists will have to keep in mind while visiting. If you truly wish to enjoy your travel, then make sure you have memorized the 6 don’ts I am going to talk about in this article.

Here are 6 things you should avoid when you are here in Moscow, the heart of Russia.

  1. Not Prepared For Linguistic Barriers: Russians are not that fluent in English. While you will come across the use of English from time to time, in restaurant menus or signposts, conversational English is not that common. So, to save time, you have two options: you either learn Russian or get a handy phrasebook or an App.

    Learning Russian will be, well, Herculean because Russian is one of the most difficult languages out there and it might take a while before you learn basic phrases. Or, you can simply use efficient language-assistance apps such as Google Translate or use a phrasebook.

  2. Not Prepared For Weather Whims: Russia is known for its moody climactic conditions. It tends to have really chilly winters; also, and something which may come as a surprise to many of our readers, Russia often gets to witness hot summers. So, you cannot afford to be underprepared for weather conditions.

    You need to take a survey of the Russian climate at the time you are visiting. Research online or ask people who have already been there at that time of the year and pack accordingly. One important tip, however, is to pack sturdy footwear which you will need to walk across the streets when the snow melts in case your visit is due in winters.

  3. Not Respecting Beliefs and Customs: You are in a totally different city—and a city having as historical, cultural and political relevance as Moscow sure has its own unique set of customs and beliefs. Even if they are not unique, they are important to the residents of the city. So, make sure you are on your best behaviors.There are many customs followed in Moscow
    such as bringing a small gift while visiting someone’s house or covering heads and legs while visiting certain Churches. So, make sure you have given a thorough read about common customary practices and beliefs of the people in Moscow and ensure respecting them.

    Red square, Moscow, Russia

  4. Clicking Pictures Of Certain Buildings: Russia can be really strict at times, and one such instance when it is known for being too strict is when someone takes a picture of the government and military buildings. It is strongly recommended that you avoid clicking pictures of any building which belongs to either of the earlier mentioned categories.
    You may get excessively fined or even arrested—and you would not want either of that, would you?
  5. Asking For Tap Water: In many countries, especially Western countries, people often order tap water at eating outlets. But, here in Moscow—as a matter of fact, in Russia—you should not ask for tap water because Russians do not drink tap water. Always ask for bottled water because it is the only way you can consume safe drinking water.
    Keep this in mind when you visit a restaurant!
  6. Not Tasting The Local Cuisine: You will find many restaurants of all kinds in Moscow. However, most of the restaurants serving non-Russian dishes can end up being too expensive for you. In fact, I recommend that you give Russian cuisine a try,

You might not have heard much about it, but it is quite delicious. Moreover, you can keep yourself fed on Russian food at reasonable prices. However, as everyone knows, you may not have food from the entire world because of the natural incompatibility of your stomach. Therefore, before you make a move, make sure you have researched well about Russian cuisine.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Briefing - Don’ts While Traveling To Moscow (Russia)
Ayushi Kushwaha
Ayushi Kushwaha, Staff Writer for the CEOWORLD magazine. She’s spent more than a decade working for various magazines, newspapers, and digital publications and is now a Staff Writer at The CEOWORLD magazine. She writes news stories and executive profiles for the magazine’s print and online editions. Obsessed with unlocking high-impact choices to accelerate meaningful progress, she helps individuals and organizations stand out and get noticed. She can be reached on email