Saturday, September 7, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Success and Leadership - I’m a Retired Chief Executive and The Imposter Won’t Leave!

Success and Leadership

I’m a Retired Chief Executive and The Imposter Won’t Leave!


Sound familiar?

According to the data, the “CEOS and board of directors” and their officers are highly likely to be diagnosed with or battling Imposter Syndrome (IS) on a daily basis. This percentage is even higher for female officers. In their private conversations, Imposter Syndrome is a common topic that comes up frequently and its voice is becoming louder with each passing week.

Imposter Syndrome is a nagging feeling that even though there’s evidence of your proficiency, you feel like a fraud and are anxious and even fearful about being found out.

This journey is my own, as I was an executive who was successful in my various positions, followed by intense anxiety, self-sabotage, and even failure. I knew deep inside there was a reason this was happening; I couldn’t figure it out. A few months later, I created a unique profiling system for stopping repetitive behaviors.

In my 15 years of research on repetitive behaviors in humans–16 years and older, I have identified Imposter Syndrome as a repetitive behavior. Knowing you are dealing with Imposter Syndrome is one thing, getting it to go away is another. Repetitive behavior, in my research, is when a person consciously decides to stop or start something and fails to do so two or more times.

Have you ever made a New Year’s Resolution and broken it right away, then did it again the next year? That’s an example of a repetitive behavior. Other repetitive behaviors include: Imposter Syndrome, Suicide Ideation, Substance Abuse, Self-Sabotage, PTSD, CPTSD, MST, and many more.

I am known as the Father of Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression® (RBCR) so…


RBCR is an online, non-linear, Q & A sequencing model, used to circumvent normal memory recall by having a person use their five senses as descriptors (just the facts) and inventorying a memory without the story. This way, the client is able to arrive at an unknown memory out of emotion. It is a single-session process that only takes a few memory recalls to get to the foundational walled-off event, without triggering, that drives the client’s particular issues.

This is why RBCR works so well for those suffering from post-traumatic stress.

When starting a RBCR Session, we tell the client, “There are no good memories, there are no bad memories–simply memories. The practitioner then has the client relax and think about a memory they remember often with fondness (“Hey, remember when…”). ”

Now, here’s where RBCR is different from all other known modalities and processes: during this and consecutive memories (3 memories–each further back in a person’s life), the CR Practitioner keeps the client out of story and therefore out of emotion. We are not focused on the emotions; we are focused on inventorying a memory using the 5 senses.


The result of this decade old process is a very high 90% success rate through one year and 80% successful through two years. To date of the 155 RBCR Sessions I have conducted, 150 were completed in 1 session, 5 clients never finished the process, and 6 required 1 – 3 continuation sessions.

We are now on 6 continents and in 18 countries, including 27 US States and 3 Canadian provinces. The CR Process© is currently available in 6 languages. It’s easy to train people to do this process if they are able to understand how to keep a person out of story and descriptors.

The CR Process© is a 30-Day VIP experience resulting in a person understanding and alleviating their own stressors.


Gender: Male and Female
Age Range: 16 to 77
Education: Non-high school graduates to multiple PhD’s, ER Nurses, Psych Personnel, Veterans (combat and non-combat) and Civilians
Economic: Below poverty line to professional income

If the “Imposter” can go away and not come back, you get to ask yourself: Do I want to continue as I am or get rid of the “Imposter” forever? For more information on RBCR, including white papers, you can go to.

Written by Terry Earthwind Nichols.
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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Success and Leadership - I’m a Retired Chief Executive and The Imposter Won’t Leave!
Terry Earthwind Nichols
Terry Earthwind Nichols is a Visionary Strategist for people who are looking for an ‘achievement based’ vs. ‘goals based’ plan for their business. Through his anxiety-release techniques, Profiling for Profit book, and Throw Out Your Goals Strategy he’s here to change the current business model. Terry is an Award-Winning Profiler for Naval Recruiting and The Father of Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression®. He has held several Chief Executive positions within the corporate world. When Terry’s not implementing a new business model with corporate leaders or volunteering his expertise with renowned thought leaders, he can be found planning his next vacation or savoring a glass of fine red wine at his favorite restaurant in a suit he designed himself. Terry Earthwind Nichols is an opinion columnist for the CEOWORLD magazine. Follow him on LinkedIn.