Thursday, May 9, 2024

Success and Leadership

Success and Leadership

The first 100 days in the life of a CEO

Let me be clear from the onset: the 100 days mark is an arbitrary timestamp and so, it does not represent a finish line for what the CEO is meant to achieve at the helm of the company.How would you see your first 100 days as a CEO? You were...
Success and Leadership

How Millennials Can Work Smarter, Not Harder, at Mastering their Finances… From A Financial Planning Perspective

Millennials are generally described as anyone born between 1981-1996 and often get stereotypically mislabeled as “entitled,” “spoiled,” or “self-serving.” I disagree with this characterization. According to a recent study, 70 percent of millennials believe that working hard and 45 percent believe living frugally puts a person on a path to...
Lifestyle and TravelSuccess and Leadership

5 Components to Organizational Strategy and Change Management to Retain the Best Talent

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged business leaders in unique ways. As they shift processes and structures within their businesses to shore up weaknesses and overcome hurdles, they must have a solid strategy with a change management framework and best practices to limit disruption as much as possible. Shawn Miller of Morrison Co. outlines five strategies to...
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