Sunday, October 6, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insights - 8 Offbeat Ways To Beat Hypergrowth Burnout

CEO Insights

8 Offbeat Ways To Beat Hypergrowth Burnout

Hypergrowth Burnout

Congratulations! Business is booming. Sales are off the charts. You’re growing exponentially. Your team is working overtime to keep up with the demand and stay ahead of the competition. It’s an exciting, stimulating environment…until it isn’t.

There often comes a point when hypergrowth backfires. Employees can’t keep  burning the candle at both ends. They feel that they’re on a never-ending treadmill that’s turning faster and faster. Exhilarating but exhausting. Result: burnout. And that can be catastrophic because human capital and human sustainability are the hallmarks of a caring company that’s destined for long-term viability and success.

Deloitte’s 2024 Global Human Capital Trends Report makes the important point that organizations are at a watershed moment. Many have transitioned from an industrial economy to a knowledge economy to an economy that is powered by the hearts, minds, and essential human traits of people—in short, our humanity.

But organizations’ efforts to prioritize these essential people connections are generally falling short. That’s partly because, says Deloitte, “Many organizations are stuck in a legacy mindset that centers on extracting value from people rather than working with them to create a better future for organizations and individuals alike.”

Their advice: “Leaders should reorient their organizations’ perspective around the idea of human sustainability: the degree to which the organization creates value for people as human beings, leaving them with greater health and well-being, stronger skills and greater employability, good jobs, opportunities for advancement, progress toward equity, increased belonging, and heightened connection to purpose.”

To achieve this greater purpose and keep burnout at bay requires numerous small actions that make the workplace a more varied and less stressful environment. Here are eight strategies that can help including some that are more offbeat and unusual—but absolutely work.

  1. Failure festivals
    Don’t play the blame game. Regularly celebrate well-intentioned efforts that failed. When you applaud and destigmatize mistakes you encourage risk taking which can lead to meaningful breakthrough. You’ll find the mindset of “failure festivals” cultivates a culture that supports learning and innovation and alleviates employee anxiety.
  2. Pet-friendly Fridays
    Encourage your team to bring their pets to work on Fridays. Animals can be great stress relievers and bring joy to the workplace making it a more relaxed environment (as long as your pet isn’t a 10-foot long python!) Everyone enjoys showing off their favorite non-human companions and sharing their appeal with others. Alternatively, bring in therapy dogs or host a “pet a puppy day.”
  3. Digital detox
    Organize occasional retreats (even just a day or half-day) when electronic devices are banned. While some might feel insecure without a cell phone glued to their hand (and initially even more stressed!) this will pass when they realize that all of their colleagues are participating. The absence of digital devices encourages your team to spend time in deep thought and genuine human interaction, helping to refresh the mind and spirit.
  4. Office theme days
    Don’t wait until Halloween. Have occasional costume party days where everyone dresses up and decorates their workspace accordingly. Pirate day? Superhero Day? Favorite athlete or movie character day? Poll employees first for their suggestions so you can pick the most popular topic and have automatic buy-in. This can not only be fun but also allows individuals to express their personality—sometimes with surprising outcomes—and infuse laughter and lightheartedness into the office.
  5. In-office massage
    You’ve been sitting at your desk hunched over your computer for hours. You’ve got knots in your shoulders and the beginning of a headache. What could be better than a massage therapist courtesy of the boss giving you a 15-minute neck and shoulder rub right there at your desk? Relaxing and reinvigorating.
  6. Crazy hat day
    Suggest everyone shows up one day with headgear of their choice—a crazy hat or outrageous wig. You can hand out prizes for the most creative or assign decision-making roles as an award. Whatever you do it’s a way to have employees take a step away from the pressure of working in a rapid growth atmosphere and not take themselves so seriously.
  7. Nap pods
    Set up designated quiet spaces equipped with nap pods or reclining chairs where employees can take power naps. Short naps have been shown to boost alertness and increase productivity. The fact that leadership provides and encourages this facility shows how much they care about and trust employees not to abuse it.
  8. Green light for green fingers
    Create a space for a small garden that employees can tend to. This could be a rooftop garden or a series of small indoor planters. Gardening is known for its calming effects and provides a sense of accomplishment and connection to nature. Digging in the soil is good for the soul!

Bottom line 

To counteract stress during periods of intense growth the key is to get extremely creative and sometimes inject an element of pure silliness and fun into the workplace culture. Unconventional strategies can spark a unique and engaging work environment and encourages a dynamic and innovative culture. Be proactive and don’t wait until employees burn out and decide they just can’t take it anymore.

Written by Jason Richmond.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insights - 8 Offbeat Ways To Beat Hypergrowth Burnout
Jason Richmond
Jason Richmond is an authoritative culture change strategist whose work over the past twenty-plus years has helped companies build strong, sustained revenue growth by empowering their employees and developing energizing office cultures. As President/CEO and Chief Culture Officer for Ideal Outcomes, Inc., he has designed and implemented Leadership Development Journeys for Fortune 100 companies, and he has guided numerous start-ups on the path to become noted industry leaders. He has also supplied thought leadership and innovative consulting services to various mid-size companies.

Author of two books Culture Spark: 5 Steps to Ignite and Sustain Organizational Growth and Culture Ignited: 5 Disciplines for Adaptive Leadership, and a member of Forbes Business Council, Jason is an in-demand keynote speaker who captivates audiences with his direct, refreshing, no-nonsense style. In addition, he heads up a team of culture strategists and trainers whose learning course on the Udemy platform Foundations of a Strong Corporate Culture provides students with a framework for transformative culture change.

Jason Richmond is an Executive Council member at the CEOWORLD magazine. You can follow him on LinkedIn.