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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Lifestyle and Travel - Why You Shouldn’t Cheat In A Relationship

Lifestyle and Travel

Why You Shouldn’t Cheat In A Relationship

  1. They may find out: To start with, cheating is usually a secret and what most people think is that it’s ok as long as nobody finds out. However, faith has a strange way of making the plot twist. No one expects to get caught when they misbehave still, not few are the cases where things turn wrong. It is a matter of lack and you never know if the chances are on your side.

  2. You live in constant fear: Regardless of how often you cheat on your partner, the fear of getting caught is there. This can create an atmosphere of mystery. Adrenaline could make the whole game spicier. On the other hand, when the action comes to an end you have to deal with the real problems and cover your tracks. Do you want to put yourself into this situation of having to think of a good lie and worry whether it will be successful?

  3. Be ready for their revenge: The news of a spouse who cheats can be followed by several reactions. A hurt ego may result in a feeling of anger which may cause your partner to take action. If you are in a marriage a painful divorce may be the answer. In addition, financial sharing will not be on your side. Others may react by cheating you back or doing something to hurt you as well.

  4. Cheating is about breaking an agreement: Being polygamic and being a cheater are two different things. Cheating on the love of your life has to do with the ultimate damage of a ”contract.” What really hurts is that this attitude could be adopted by your partner as well. However, if they decided to be faithful how do you think your reaction will make them feel? Exactly, they will be devastated not only because they will feel less desired but also because they will know you are not a man of your word. The morality of being faithful is not about sex, it is mostly about mutual respect over what you two have agreed to do in the first place.

  5. Even if they forgive you it will be a deep trauma: Unfortunately, the moment of the weak decision to move on and cheat your beloved one will arise further trust issues. Once you get caught things become complicated. Even if you admit the situation to your partner yourself, our society has such a strong opinion of how relationships should be that it will be hard for your life-mate to get over it. They will become suspicious of things they would normally find normal. In a few words, things become complicated and the bond is damaged.

  6. Social circles will not be on your side: That’s right! Having the reputation of being a cheater is not a good reputation. Apart from having to deal with the disappointment of your spouse, you will have to find a way to deal with the disapproval of the rest of the society in your life. In fact, people who are not in the relationship will find it harder to explain, understand, and finally forgive your behavior because they have not experienced all the positive things your partner has lived with you. All they see is the result which in your case is the betrayal to the people you love.

  7. You will not gain anything: In contradiction to what they say, the grass is not greener on the other side. One of the reasons people cheat on their partner is because they want to escape an unpleasant situation. Filling the gap with something that does not cover your initial needs will not give you anything back. So, sit back and think again: Is it worth it? Do you have a strong motivation to do that? As an adult the choice is yours but so are the consequences.

  8. What about you?
    When we do these kinds of actions we are so absorbed about what could happen if things go wrong, if they find out, and what the consequences will be that we hardly take a moment to think about ourselves. Talking about losing trust, we don’t necessarily refer to the trust of your partner. What about yourself? When you know how easy it is to cheat and especially how easy it was for you, it is apparent that at some point you will start thinking how easy it is for others to cheat as well. Have you ever thought that this may work against you? Well, now is the time!

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Lifestyle and Travel - Why You Shouldn’t Cheat In A Relationship
Anna Siampani
Anna Siampani, Lifestyle Editorial Director at the CEOWORLD magazine, working with reporters covering the luxury travel, high-end fashion, hospitality, and lifestyle industries. As lifestyle editorial director, Anna oversees CEOWORLD magazine's daily digital editorial operations, editing and writing features, essays, news, and other content, in addition to editing the magazine's cover stories, astrology pages, and more. You can reach Anna by mail at