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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Tech and Innovation - 5 Things To Do If You Want a Pre-Placement Offer (PPO)

Tech and Innovation

5 Things To Do If You Want a Pre-Placement Offer (PPO)

A Pre-Placement Offer (PPO), as the name suggests, is a job offer before the commencement of the Placement Week. It usually follows an internship whose assessment results in an early job offer. However, PPOs are infrequent and are only extended to those who exhibit exceptional performance during the internship. It is a great achievement to achieve a PPO, but getting one is a challenging task.

Challenging it may be, it is not impossible to get one. You have to, however, do things differently to stand out from the rest of the candidates. Over here, I have mentioned a few things which may help you do that.

Read about 5 things that may help you get a Pre-Placement Offer (PPO). So, let us go.

  1. Interaction is imperative
    I couldn’t stress enough about the importance of interaction in the workplace. While your hard skills will be reflected in your work, you should also talk to your peers and seniors to show your interpersonal skills. Communication is necessary without which your evaluator would not know whether you’d contribute to a healthy and harmonious work environment. Take up problems with your superior, ask for career advice if need be, hang out with them whenever asked, share food, and participate in work activities as much as you want. Perhaps, your interaction could help you gain more tricks and tips on how to impress the chiefs of the workplace.
  2. Do not be Picky about work
    You must jostle your way through the crowd if you aim to secure a Pre-Placement Offer (PPO). In that case, you have no room for being picky about work unless there are cogent reasons to support your refusal. Be willing to take up assignments allotted to you and set a mental deadline for the same. Step outside your comfort zone and complete your job. Where you run with problems, connect with your superiors who should be more than ready to help you.  It is also a good idea to personally ask your superior to give you work so that you do not stay ideal. Assessors want people who do not hesitate in taking up tasks and would invest their time and energy into finishing work properly.
  3. Punctuality must not be taken for granted
    Punctuality is a venerated quality in workplaces. Whether you are an intern or an employee, you must stay punctual. Of course, the standards of punctuality differ among cultures. For example, Thailand has a rather relaxed standard so far as punctuality is concerned; whereas the Japanese would come to the office at least 15 minutes before. Anyway, what remains the same is that you must not take undue advantage of whatever standards of punctuality applicable. Throughout your internship, you should have reached the office at the designated time.
  4. Be Open To feedback
    In the capacity of an intern, you will come across many incidents that may be disheartening. While it is recommended to seek feedback routinely, do not expect that the same shall be always favorable. If there is anything amiss in your work and has been pointed out to you, consider the feedback positively.  The workplace is a setting where you learn. The process never ends. If you disagree with certain feedback, you may want to politely discuss the same with your superiors. Don’t act like a yes-man/yes-woman. Consult your superior when feedback does not feel right.
  5. Be a team player
    You will most likely be part of an intern team. While co-interns are your competitors for the job, you must not act like a troublemaker. You must be an active team player and engage with co-interns. Seek help from them and help them when they ask for it. If you get a PPO, you will become a part of even a larger group where teamwork is the driving force. Learn to advance your individual professional interests without jeopardizing the interests of the team. In fact, many times, assessors ask interns in a team to give feedback about their co-interns. So, behave and advance team spirit. Just because you have certain disagreements with someone on the team does not mean you should act like a jerk.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Tech and Innovation - 5 Things To Do If You Want a Pre-Placement Offer (PPO)
Ayushi Kushwaha
Ayushi Kushwaha, Staff Writer for the CEOWORLD magazine. She’s spent more than a decade working for various magazines, newspapers, and digital publications and is now a Staff Writer at The CEOWORLD magazine. She writes news stories and executive profiles for the magazine’s print and online editions. Obsessed with unlocking high-impact choices to accelerate meaningful progress, she helps individuals and organizations stand out and get noticed. She can be reached on email