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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Lifestyle and Travel - 5 Things to Know if You Want to Work as a Retail/Fashion Buyer

Lifestyle and Travel

5 Things to Know if You Want to Work as a Retail/Fashion Buyer

There is so much one can do in the fashion industry. Once you step into this world, you will realize that several job profiles are available for interested people. One such job profile is that of a retail/fashion buyer. A Fashion buyer may be a new term for you but these people have existed for a long time. We have only given a technical name to what they do. So, what exactly do these fashion buyers do? Well, many things.

A fashion buyer is essentially a person who gets to decide, on behalf of a company, what should and should not be selected from a retail supplier. It is the job of a fashion buyer to make the right choices which could help the retailer to sell and earn a profit. What I have just told you is only the tip of the iceberg. In order to become a fashion buyer, you have to acquaint yourself with a lot of important information which ultimately assists you in your job. Of course, you will learn about them from experience, but there is no harm in getting a head-start.

Here are 5 things you should know if being a retail/fashion buyer is your goal.

  1.  Fashion Buyers Are More Popular With Big Companies
    This should not come as a surprise to you that fashion buyers are more popular with big companies.  Big companies operate through stores and have an international presence, meaning thereby they need to make different fashion choices to suit regional tastes. Moreover, fashion buyers get high remuneration for their services, and usually big companies are well-positioned to incur the extra cost. Now, this does not mean that small companies do not hire fashion buyers at all, but remuneration and overall experience might be different.
  2. Academic requirements
    You are expected to have attained at least a Bachelor’s degree to apply for the job of a fashion retailer. Big fashion houses usually look for those candidates who have completed degree programs in economics and business. While a Bachelor’s degree should do the work, there has been a rising trend of preferring those with postgraduate degrees. Also, supplementary academic achievements in the form of certificate courses would give you brownie points. On top of all this, work experience will increase your chances of securing a job,
  3. Updated with the latest
    You wouldn’t do justice to your job if you fail to keep yourself well-acquainted with the changing fashion. Your company has hired you so that you can make decisions that are in alignment with the changing dynamics of fashion. For that, you are expected to attend fashion shows, read fashion magazines, analyze competition, and conduct research. You may want to interview fashion icons to get an idea of what is gaining popularity and what is moving into oblivion. You mustn’t sit back and make guesses as to what should and should not work.
  4. Not just about clothes
    If you thought your job is done the moment you choose retail, then you don’t know much. A fashion buyer not only suggests purchasing of merchandise but also involves herself in assessing the quality of such merchandise. You will assume a monitoring role over those involved in the management and assessment of inventory. Many fashion buyers personally undertake checks on the quality of merchandise. Any recklessness you show and a defective product is put on sale and eventually purchased will not reflect nicely on your work ethics. You must be on your guard as to what comes into the inventory.
  5. Know-How To Make The Right Move
    You will not thrive as a fashion buyer if you fail to maintain good relationships with manufacturers and wholesalers. You must establish regular contact with them, offer deals to them, and project an image that you are serious about what you are doing. When the situation requires, you should also be able to negotiate so that you get the deal at the right price because your decision will have a financial impact on the company as well.

Socializing and networking are integral to the life of a fashion buyer. Whether or not you like it, you will have to master them.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Lifestyle and Travel - 5 Things to Know if You Want to Work as a Retail/Fashion Buyer
Anna Papadopoulos
Anna Papadopoulos is a senior money, wealth, and asset management reporter at CEOWORLD magazine, covering consumer issues, investing and financial communities + author of the CEOWORLD magazine newsletter, writing about money with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind. You can follow CEOWORLD magazine on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or connect on LinkedIn for musings on money, wealth, asset management, millionaires, and billionaires. Email her at