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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insider - Things Mentally Strong People Avoid

CEO Insider

Things Mentally Strong People Avoid

The ability to work hard and respond resiliently to failure and adversity; the inner quality that enables individuals to work hard and stick to their goals, embrace the happier outlook and arming yourself to deal with life inevitable hardships, setbacks, and summon mental strength to move on, that is how the vital trait “Mental Strength” is defined. Mental strength is not about acting tough but feeling empowered to overcome the challenges life throws at you.

Below explained are some of the things mentally strong people avoid:

  1. They do not waste their time feeling sorry for themselves: Mentally strong people do not twiddle their thumbs or feel sorry about the circumstances they have no control over. Instead, they resume their responsibilities and firmly seat in their minds that it is just how it is and instead devote their time and energy to the things that can be controlled.
  2. They do not shy away from change: Although, people feel safe when within their comfort zones, but avoiding challenges serves as the biggest obstacle to living a full life. And mentally strong people do not try to avoid change. Instead, they welcome it with open arms and attempt to accommodate it within their lives. They understand that change is inevitable and a part of the circle.
  3. They do not fear to take calculated risks: We might make dozens if not hundreds of choices each day with very little consideration of the risks they may entail. Mentally strong people spend time weighing the risks and benefits before making a big decision, and fully inform themselves of the potential downsides before they take any action.
  4. They do not compare themselves with others: By indulging in the process of comparing oneself with others, one simply poisons its own well. Mentally strong people rather focus on bettering themselves and how they can outgrow themselves. Comparison only results in a decrement of self-worth.
  5. They do not dwell on the past: Reflecting on one’s actions and learning from the past is something to indulge in, but ruminating can be harmful. They understand how important it is for an individual to make peace with the past and plan for the future.

  6. They do not make the same mistakes over and over: Learning from mistakes requires humility and willingness to go as far as needed. Mentally strong people do not hide their mistakes or make excuses to get away from them, instead, they turn their mistakes into opportunities with more wisdom than before for self-growth.
  7. They do not give up after failure: It is absolutely normal for people to feel discouraged, downright, and defeated when the first attempts do not work up the way anticipated. Failure is often portrayed as something bad, but the fact is a success is nearly impossible without failure. Mentally strong people view failure as proof that they are pushing themselves to the limits in their efforts to reach their full potential.

The good news is, each one of us has the ability to build mental strength. But to walk along that path, you must develop self-awareness about the self-destructive thoughts, feelings, and actions that might keep you from reaching your full potential.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insider - Things Mentally Strong People Avoid
Palomi Gupta
Palomi Gupta is a student of journalism interested in the intersections of lifestyle, education, business, media and more. She has been writing consistently since school level and is a core team member of Research and Content Writing Societies of college. She is also a proficient speaker, having and experience worth several events including debates, Model United Nations, etc. Palomi Gupta is an opinion columnist for the CEOWORLD magazine. Follow her on LinkedIn. She can be reached on email