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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Agenda - Dan Stammen’s Top 6 Benefits of Joining a Network Marketing Company

CEO Agenda

Dan Stammen’s Top 6 Benefits of Joining a Network Marketing Company

When it comes to network marketing, common discourse is flooded with plenty of prejudice and misinformation. Whether referred to as “affiliate marketing,” “referral marketing,” “direct sales,” “home-based business franchising,” or any of its many other labels, this business model is one that is largely misunderstood, often underestimated, and wrongly dismissed.

With decades of experience and success working in network marketing, no one knows the realities of the business model better than Dan Stammen of Plano, Texas. He started his career journey with a popular network marketing giant. After contributing largely to the company’s growth and success, he went on to work multiple other brands within the network marketing sphere.

Currently, Dan Stammen has more than 30 years of experience with network marketing, making him perhaps the best resource and truest advocate of the business model. Among its many benefits, he lists six appeals as the top reasons to dive into a career with a network marketing company.

Make Your Own Schedule

In this high-stress, money-driven world, no other business model allows you to make your own schedule and work at your own pace quite like companies with network marketing structures.

As pointed out by Dan Stammen, this company structure allows its representatives the freedom to work at their own pace, adjust their hours to fit their personal lives, and determine their own work-life balance.

With traditional business models, employees are often forced to choose between their career and their personal life, forcing valuable aspects such as family time, self-care, and relaxation to the back burner.

Meanwhile, the self-driven, independent nature of network marketing structures allows for a richer, more flexible day-to-day schedule and work balance. Those who opt to pursue careers with these companies are not forced to choose between their personal and professional lives; they are afforded both on their own terms.

Achieve financial flexibility

Another of the many benefits that Dan Stammen lists among the advantages of choosing a career in network marketing is the ability it gives participants to achieve financial flexibility. In traditional work situations, employees are bound to set hours and must adhere strictly to either a full-time or part-time work structure. With the flexibility offered by network marketing, representatives can choose their own hours and thus determine their own salary.

Those working in network marketing have the potential to either earn a full-time or part-time wage depending on their own individual availability and financial need. Ultimately, this allows for increased financial flexibility, as representatives have complete control over how many hours they work and thus how much money they bring in.

Work from anywhere

Many wrongly believe that all rich and rewarding careers require being tied down to an office or enslaved to the standard corporate schedule; network marketing offers a refreshing alternative to those who wish for something more.

Because it allows representatives to work from anywhere, it’s ideal for stay-at-home parents or any other individual who wants to begin a fulfilling career without giving up their freedom or personal life. There are many reasons that people prefer to work at home and as a member of a network marketing company, you can choose to work from wherever you want.

In recent years, there has been a rising demand for work-from-home opportunities and a collective increase in the desire to travel; in response to this, network marketing companies offer individuals the ability to work remotely and achieve the much sought-after (yet seemingly impossible) title of “digital nomad.” Put simply, these businesses allow representatives to work from anywhere, whether that be their car, their home, a co-working space, or a pristine beach somewhere in Hawaii.

Enrich relationships and expand your social circle

Though network marketing is sales-driven, it differs from traditional positions in the sense that you are not pushing useless products on mere strangers. Rather, you are merely making recommendations of things you genuinely enjoy to the people you care about.

Dan Stammen describes this aspect as the most unique and empowering element of the network marketing model. Because your customer base is your social circle, working merely entails interacting and connecting with your family and friends— something which will bring genuine joy and enrichment to your life in and of itself.

This is advantageous both personally and professionally. Representatives are given the added personal satisfaction of enriching their relationships and expanding their social circle; this energy can then be applied towards business practices in order to reap financial reward. Furthermore, building good professional relationships with clients can be beneficial for your career moving forwards.

Help others

As explained by Dan Stammen, network marketing companies are less of an impersonal business and more of a mutually beneficial service. Its nature dictates that representatives must believe fully in the products they’re selling. This creates a two-fold advantage to the business model: it is both an opportunity to help others by introducing them to life changing products as well as an opportunity to enrich their lives financially by allowing them the chance to get involved themselves.

Build professional skills

Dan Stammen’s career with network marketing started early at the age of 21 when he began working in the industry. Over the years, the leadership, networking, and business skills he sharpened in that initial role allowed him to accept prestigious roles such as CEO, Chief Marketing Officer, and eventually Chief of Business Development. His career path is an excellent example the opportunities that network marketing provides both personally and professionally as he knows that his career trajectory was based on the skills he learned during his time in the profession.

The valuable business, social and leadership skills that representatives working with these business models gain are priceless; abilities such as sales, networking, and general business practices are valuable rewards you can take forward with you into any future job opportunities or business ventures, proving that in many ways, joining a network marketing company isn’t just a financially smart decision, it is a personal investment as well.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Agenda - Dan Stammen’s Top 6 Benefits of Joining a Network Marketing Company
Anna Papadopoulos
Anna Papadopoulos is a senior money, wealth, and asset management reporter at CEOWORLD magazine, covering consumer issues, investing and financial communities + author of the CEOWORLD magazine newsletter, writing about money with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind. You can follow CEOWORLD magazine on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or connect on LinkedIn for musings on money, wealth, asset management, millionaires, and billionaires. Email her at