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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Education and Career - How to Be a CEO Who Makes a Difference

Education and Career

How to Be a CEO Who Makes a Difference

Being a CEO is about more than just occupying a senior position in a company. Being a CEO is about showing initiative, taking the lead, and delivering results. Here’s how you can make a difference in your business.

Share Your Vision

As the CEO of a business, it is your responsibility to ensure that your workers stay motivated, and on task. In the early days, while your business is small, this can be done in a hands-on way, with you interacting directly with your workers. However, as your business grows, it will soon become impractical for you to speak to employees face to face.

However, as long as you are able to communicate exactly what your vision is and how it can be achieved, it will permeate through your business. Be clear with yourself about exactly what you want to achieve with your business and think beyond simple financial targets. If you want to make a difference to your business, be the kind of CEO who is able to clearly communicate what they want to achieve with your business.

Impart Your Experience

Whatever your background is, whether you are a new CEO, or taking up the position again at another company, you should look for opportunities to share your wisdom and experience. Employees will respond better to CEOs who show an interest in their workers. Again, if your business has grown in size so that you can’t speak to employees individually anymore, you can instead pass your wisdom on to upper management.

As a CEO, there is nothing quite as satisfying as knowing that the lessons you have passed on to others are now being implemented and are driving the success of your business. There are numerous opportunities for a good and attentive CEO to inspire those around them, and to offer valuable lessons.

Get Involved in Decision Making

In many businesses, the CEO takes a more hands-off approach. While this might work in some setups, if you want to make a noticeable difference to your business’ fortunes, you need to show that you are paying attention. Whenever there are decisions to be made, make sure that you take an interest. This doesn’t mean that you have to micromanage everything.

For example, a CEO might not have the experience that their accounts department does when it comes to receivables management systems. So, while showing interest in the system your accounting department uses will be appreciated, trying to override an informed decision will not.

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Nurture Your Key Talent

In any organization, there are usually a few key players who are of crucial importance to a business. These people can work at any level or any role, but wherever they are identified, they should be cherished. As the CEO, you are uniquely positioned to motivate workers, and to foster their loyalty to your business. Be willing to invest money in training your most important staff, either improving existing skills or helping them to learn new ones.

Working your way up to the level of CEO is an exceptional achievement. But once you make it there, you will find it a much more fulfilling role if you throw yourself into it and look for ways to make a difference to your business, and the people who work there.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Education and Career - How to Be a CEO Who Makes a Difference
Boris Dzhingarov
Boris Dzhingarov, founder of Cryptoext, graduated from the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) in Sofia, Bulgaria with a Bachelor's degree in marketing.