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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - 6 Reasons Why Video Should Be Your Top Marketing Move in 2018

CEO Advisory

6 Reasons Why Video Should Be Your Top Marketing Move in 2018

Many marketing professionals find themselves at the crossroads of figuring out whether to implement a video advertising campaign, and what type of results it will produce for the brand. It’s no secret that video has been on the rise for years now, and the influence videos have on customers’ purchasing decisions can no longer be ignored. Here are six reasons why video should be your next marketing move.

Videos Convert Sales

Engaging prospective customers is crucial when turning leads into sales. Having a video to watch rather than just a text description for a product helps give the customer that final push to click ‘purchase.’ Amazon and eBay, two of the most prominent names in the online marketplace, report that adding a video to a product description increases the chances of a customer buying that product by up to 35 percent.

Videos Go Viral

Doesn’t it feel like every day there’s a new video taking over the Internet that everyone is talking about? People who watch a video and find it interesting or valuable will in turn share it with their followers and network on social media. The fact that more than 700 videos are shared every minute by Twitter users alone can increase your video’s exposure exponentially.

Videos Convey More Information in Less Time

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words, but it’s estimated that one minute of video is worth 1.8 million words. You might have the time to write that many words in order to convey a message, but it’s highly unlikely that your target audience will take the time to read it. People who watch a video retain 95 percent more of a message compared to just 10 percent when reading text.

Videos Truly Tell a Story

Storytelling is essential for engaging your audience and promoting your brand, and emotion is a key tool when conveying why potential customers should care and connect with it. Not only is video effective for displaying emotion, but also evoking emotion to really connect with your audience on a personal level. The combination of audio and visual aspects in a video is so powerful for telling a story because imagery that was originally just a photo can create a mood and establish a sense of place with the help of a voice, music or other audio.

Videos Are Supported By Search Engines

Top tier search engines like Google and Bing put a priority on video content when they adjust the different algorithms that determine the order of websites on the ranking pages. Brands are able to increase the likelihood of their target audience finding them by sharing videos on social media, blogs or on the company website.

Videos Are Constantly Being Watched

As if companies need another reason to implement videos, statistics prove that your target audience is watching. Four billion videos are watched on YouTube every day, and about one third of customers purchase a product after seeing a video.

Incorporating video into your marketing strategy is one of the best ways to get your target audience’s attention. For starters, you need to engage viewers right from the start as their attention spans are short, and they’ll never make it through to your call to action. The type of video you implement is also an important consideration. Explainer videos, such as whiteboard animation videos that convey complex ideas through simple whiteboard animations that make learning the content fun and memorable, are shared 37 percent more often than traditional videos, when kept under 15 seconds.

When polled, 90 percent of online shoppers said they found videos helpful in making decisions. So, if your competition is busy distributing videos and getting in front of your potential customers, what are you waiting for?

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - 6 Reasons Why Video Should Be Your Top Marketing Move in 2018
Steve Day
Steve Day is the Founder and CEO of ideaMACHINE Studio, an award-winning Brooklyn-based video production studio. The company has produced thousands of marketing, advertising, and training videos for 600+ clients, including AETNA, ESPN, Intel, Trader Joe's and more. Since opening in 2010, IdeaMACHINE has won industry awards year after year, and has animated for numerous Fortune 500 companies.