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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Special Reports - Countries with the Highest Heart Disease Deaths 2024

Special Reports

Countries with the Highest Heart Disease Deaths 2024

Heart Disease

Cardiovascular or heart diseases are the major cause of death globally. Based on the World Health Organization data, approximately 17.9 million people passed away from these ailments in 2019. This number represented 32 percent of all international deaths. 85 percent of these fatalities were due to stroke and heart attack. As a serious healthcare problem worldwide, heart disease includes a range of conditions impacting the human heart. These ailments can consist of blood vessel problems like sicknesses of the heart valve, coronary artery, and heart muscle. Furthermore, heart diseases comprise congenital heart defects or heart issues a person is born with and arrhythmias or irregular heartbeats.

Considering the seriousness of cardiovascular sicknesses, CEOWORLD magazine’s researchers believe it is a suitable matter to be discussed for readers to be enlightened further. In this latest article, readers will learn more about heart ailments, the countries where heart disease deaths are prevalent, and how cardiovascular sicknesses can be avoided.

What are the signs of cardiovascular disease?

Heart diseases’ symptoms depend on their type. For instance, coronary artery disease patients are typically troubled by pain and tightness in their chest. They can also experience breath shortness, angina or discomfort in their chest, and chest pressure.

Narrowing of the blood vessels in the arms or legs is marked by weakness, coldness, pain, or numbness in those areas. People who find themselves having an aching throat, neck, back, upper belly area, or jaw should also have themselves checked by a physician because these are among the symptoms of cardiovascular ailments.

Which countries have the highest number of cardiovascular disease deaths?

As the leading cause of death globally, heart disease fatalities are a common occurrence worldwide. However, they are concentrated in some regions. In the table below, CEOWORLD magazine’s researchers present the countries where there are high incidences of cardiovascular deaths per 100,000 individuals.

Countries With the Highest Heart Disease Deaths 2024

  1. Russia
    Number of Heart Disease Deaths per 100,000 people: 1,752
    Russia is atop with the highest heart disease death rate. In this country, 1,752 Russians per 100,000 individuals lose their lives to cardiovascular ailments annually. This figure means almost 60 percent of all deaths in Russia can be linked to wellness problems of the heart. The majority of these fatalities are in the country’s northwestern region.
  2. Hungary
    Number of Heart Disease Deaths per 100,000 people: 1,330
    Trailing behind Russia in the list above is Hungary where approximately 1,330 Hungarians per 100,00 individuals pass away yearly due to heart diseases. People from this second country with the highest cardiovascular disease death incidence in the world have some of the worst eating habits, including fatty foods. Hence, in 2012, the Hungarian government imposed a sugar tax to facilitate a decrease in the Central European country’s heart disease incidence, which usually develops because of obesity.
  3. Romania
    Number of Heart Disease Deaths per 100,000 people: 1,283
    Romanians are the third group in the world who are at risk of cardiovascular diseases. CEOWORLD magazine’s researchers found that almost 1,283 Romanians for every 100,00 individuals in this Central European country lose their lives every year to heart ailments. Based on a recent poll, 3.5 percent of Romania’s total population is prone to getting cardiovascular sicknesses in the future. The survey found that Romanian men are at much higher risk of heart disease than women. Almost 5.4 percent of these males against 1.7 percent of females are discovered to be vulnerable to cardiovascular problems. In Romania, heart disease patients have high blood pressure. Another contributor to the ailment is smoking, which amounts to almost 30 percent of the Romanian populace.
  4. Bulgaria
    Number of Heart Disease Deaths per 100,000 people: 1,250
    Coronary artery disease or stroke is the main cause of Bulgarian heart disease patients’ deaths. Every year, 1,250 individuals for every 100,000 people die from these ailments. Nearly 60 percent of all the fatalities in Bulgaria are linked to cardiovascular diseases. In recent years, these healthcare problems have affected the younger Bulgarian population, with considerable increases in heart diseases witnessed among people ages 30 to 40 years old. With this concerning trend, Bulgaria’s National Heart Hospital has commenced a new campaign to diminish future heart disease fatalities and increase the public’s cardiovascular disease awareness.
  5. Poland
    Number of Heart Disease Deaths per 100,000 people: 1,171
    Poland ranks fifth in the list above of countries with the highest cardiovascular disease deaths. For every 100,000 people, 1,171 Polish citizens pass away due to heart disease in the country annually. In recent years, cardiovascular disease deaths in Poland have surged to 25 percent from the previous 17 percent. Worse, these figures indicate that heart ailments have become the leading death cause in the Central European country. Polish people who contract cardiovascular diseases are those with high cholesterol levels, always engaged in physical inactivity, and have smoking as a habit.
  6. Czechia
    Number of Heart Disease Deaths per 100,000 people: 1,077
    Similar to Poland, Czechia’s people with heart diseases smoke and have high cholesterol levels. They are also hypertensive or have high blood pressure and sedentary lifestyle and consume alcohol excessively. With this reality, about 1,077 Czech citizens for every 100,000 people die from cardiovascular ailments. Coronary heart disease was responsible for 34 percent of these fatalities in the Central European country.
  7. Argentina
    Number of Heart Disease Deaths per 100,000 people: 993
    In Argentina, almost 993 individuals for every 100,000 people lose their lives to cardiovascular sicknesses annually. The leading contributor to these deaths in the South American country is a sedentary lifestyle. Close to 17 percent of all heart ailment-related fatalities can be connected to people getting fewer than 600 minutes a week of workouts.
  8. China
    Number of Heart Disease Deaths per 100,000 people: 931
    CEOWORLD magazine’s researchers discovered that roughly 931 people for every 100,000 individuals die from cardiovascular sicknesses yearly in China. This number correlates to almost 230 million Chinese people passing away each year due to heart disease. Moreover, in China, one in every five adults is suffering from a cardiovascular ailment. According to the latest statistics, a 50-percent spike in heart disease is anticipated to happen between 2010 and 2030 in the world’s most populated country.

These eight countries where there are high incidences of heart disease deaths indicate that cardiovascular diseases are a common cause of death worldwide. Although these sicknesses of the heart are deadly, they are preventable, and people can take the necessary steps to keep them at bay.

How can the many heart disease types be avoided?

People who want to stay healthy can avoid cardiovascular diseases by performing several steps. If they already have heart disease, their doctor will usually prescribe them to have healthy lifestyle options. These choices include getting regular physical exercises, not smoking, and keeping a moderate weight. Moreover, eating a heart-healthy diet is highly recommended. CEOWORLD magazine’s researchers found that this eating plan consists of less consumption of processed foods and those high in sugar, fats, and salt.

A diet that is good for the heart also comprises consuming different kinds of vegetables and fruits as well as nuts, whole grains, and legumes. In terms of protein, heart-healthy foods include fish, seafood, poultry, and lean meat. If a heart disease patient’s lifestyle modification does not work, physicians typically prescribe medications, which depend on a patient’s heart ailment. These medicines may be necessary for heart complication prevention and controlling heart disease symptoms. Meanwhile, cardiovascular disease patients whose hearts have been considerably damaged may require surgery, which depends on their heart sickness type.

CEOWORLD magazine’s researchers believe that heart diseases will decrease in the future, thanks to the advancement in medical technology. Early detection of cardiovascular diseases leading to illness prevention is now possible. Additionally, in today’s Internet Age, people are becoming more educated on how to keep their hearts healthy with the help of ubiquitous educational articles about ensuring cardiovascular wellness. These positive developments facilitate the decrease in heart health problems and deaths caused by these ailments in the long term.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Special Reports - Countries with the Highest Heart Disease Deaths 2024
Sheena Ricarte
News & Features Editor at the CEOWORLD magazine. I'm a veteran digital storyteller with a record of creating best-in-class content and commerce experiences. Specialties: Implementing top-level content strategies. Maintaining high editorial standards in fast-paced environments. Managing external media partnerships and collaborations. Mentoring staff and managing teams of contributors. Promoting diverse and inclusive viewpoints. I am always on the lookout for unique stories that go beyond the grit and grind of everyday headlines.