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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Special Reports - Report: Best Countries for Cyber Security Professionals, 2023 (Average Salary)

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Report: Best Countries for Cyber Security Professionals, 2023 (Average Salary)

Cyber Security Professionals

The pressing requirement is fueling the rapid expansion of the global cybersecurity market to keep networks, data, and systems safe from cybercrime. Industries such as manufacturing, BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance), and healthcare have seen a notable rise in the uptake of cybersecurity solutions.

In 2022, the global cybersecurity market was valued at $153.65 billion, and it’s estimated that its growth will remain strong, reaching a total value of $424.97 billion in 2030, with a noteworthy CAGR of 13.8 percent over the forecast period from 2023 to 2030. The COVID-19 pandemic has been an important factor in creating a higher need for cybersecurity solutions, particularly due to the transition to remote work, which has increased cyber threats in many sectors.

2023 brings two new cybersecurity worries that must be addressed immediately. Car hacking has become a major problem as more cars are being connected to the internet, allowing hackers to gain access to vehicles and control their vital systems, leading to potential accidents. Moreover, ransomware attacks have skyrocketed, with over a hundred versions. This type of cybercrime involves the theft and encryption of data, enabling criminals to demand a ransom from organizations and putting their data and finances in danger. Fortunately, ethical hacking is becoming an increasingly sought-after profession, demonstrating the need for reliable cybersecurity professionals.

The demand for cybersecurity professionals has grown significantly, so information security jobs are some of the most sought-after in the United States. Notably, being a Chief Information Security Officer is the most lucrative job in the industry, demonstrating the great value of cybersecurity expertise in the modern digital environment.

We compiled a list of the 25 countries with the highest average salaries for cybersecurity professionals and then narrowed it down to the top 15 countries with the highest wages. This list was produced by studying countries with the greatest need for cybersecurity experts and taking salary data from the ERI Economic Research Institute. The countries are arranged from highest to lowest paying.

  1. Switzerland
    Average Salary: $151,305
    Switzerland’s cybersecurity market thrives due to strong data privacy and security regulations, including GDPR and local data protection laws. This, coupled with a stable political and economic environment, attracts businesses seeking to protect sensitive information. Switzerland’s investment in technology and its global financial center status drive demand for cybersecurity solutions. Switzerland offers the highest salaries for cybersecurity experts, making it a premier destination for professionals in the field.
  2. Luxembourg
    Average Salary: $131,414
    Luxembourg is renowned for its robust and globally respected cybersecurity environment. The country leads in Europe and worldwide for its unwavering commitment to cybersecurity. Luxembourg’s ecosystem thrives on public-private collaboration, recognized as both a defense and economic success factor by the government. It ranks among the top 5 highest paying countries for cybersecurity experts and boasts the world’s highest minimum wage.
  3. United Kingdom
    Average Salary: $127,502
    The UK’s cybersecurity market is rapidly expanding, estimated at $14.24 billion in 2023, with a projected CAGR of 10.42% from 2023 to 2028. Growth is fueled by increasing cyber threats, digitalization, and cloud-first strategies. Initiatives such as the National Cyber Security Strategy strengthen the UK’s cybersecurity capabilities, with a significant presence in the BFSI sector.
  4. Denmark
    Average Salary: $125,839
    Denmark’s cybersecurity market, valued at approximately DKK 5.5 billion (around USD 840 million) in 2021, has shown consistent year-on-year growth, with a 7% annual increase in cybersecurity spending. Denmark boasts a well-developed cybersecurity ecosystem, with over 40,000 individuals employed in the IT security sector. Government commitment is evident through initiatives like the National Strategy for Cyber and Information Security.
  5. United States
    Average Salary: $118,812
    The U.S. cybersecurity market is set to grow significantly, projected to exceed $534 billion by 2032 from $193 billion in 2022, with an expected 11% CAGR from 2023 to 2032. Factors such as the rise of e-commerce, IoT adoption, cloud security, and AI integration drive this growth. The U.S. ranks among the top countries for cybersecurity jobs, with the highest salaries in the 90th percentile.
  6. Norway
    Average Salary: $109,418
    Norway’s growing digital landscape and increased reliance on technology have led to heightened cybersecurity threats. Consequently, there is a rising demand for experts to safeguard critical systems, data, and infrastructure, positioning Norway as one of the top-paying countries for cybersecurity professionals.
  7. Netherlands
    Average Salary: $105,963
    The Netherlands is a digital gateway to Europe, with a strong internet economy. Hosting prominent data centers, an internet exchange, and cybersecurity hubs, the country is increasing its cybersecurity spending, making it an appealing destination for cybersecurity experts
  8. Belgium
    Average Salary: $104,150
    Due to a high demand for skilled professionals, Belgium is a promising destination for cybersecurity experts. The country’s growing cybersecurity market, with an 11.14% CAGR, is known for its competitive salaries for data scientists.
  9. Canada
    Average Salary: $103,796
    In Canada, safeguarding sensitive information from cyber threats is paramount, given that estimated ransom demands reached $796 million in 2020. Cybersecurity plays a fundamental role in both the public and private sectors.
  10. Germany
    Average Salary: $102,181
    Germany offers promising opportunities for cybersecurity professionals as it prioritizes digital security. The German cybersecurity market will grow significantly due to rising cyber threats, government investments, and the demand for skilled experts.
  11. Australia
    Average Salary: $100,640
    Australia is witnessing a surge in demand for cybersecurity professionals due to an expected shortage of 30,000 experts in the next four years. The cybersecurity sector is on track to reach $5.8 billion by 2024, positioning Australia among the countries with the highest demand for cybersecurity specialists.
  12. Finland
    Average Salary: $100,299
    Cybersecurity holds a crucial role in Finland’s foreign and security policy. The country focuses on working together globally to tackle cyber threats that don’t respect borders. They highlight significant values such as human rights, free speech, and safeguarding privacy.
  13. Austria
    Average Salary: $97,562
    Austria boasts a thriving cybersecurity sector valued at $626 million in 2022. The rise in cyber breaches and government commitment to cybersecurity have fueled demand, establishing Austria as one of the top-paying countries for cybersecurity experts.
  14. Singapore
    Average Salary: $96,794
    Singapore’s job market in cybersecurity is expanding rapidly, driven by an increasing need for experts in the field. Ensign InfoSecurity, one of the biggest cybersecurity firms in Asia, has its main headquarters in Singapore.
  15. United Arab Emirates
    Average Salary: $96,656
    With a significant population of high-net-worth individuals, the UAE faces substantial cyber threats. The demand for cybersecurity professionals, including roles like CISOs, security managers, architects, engineers, and analysts, is surging, particularly within the finance sector.

The need for individuals with cybersecurity knowledge and experience is skyrocketing as digital technology advances and cyber-attacks become more frequent. Nations such as the US, Denmark, the UK, Luxembourg, and Switzerland offer highly lucrative job openings for cybersecurity experts.

These nations are committed to safeguarding their digital assets and have established strong cybersecurity guidelines. As the industry progresses, professionals in these countries play an essential role in preserving critical infrastructure and data, verifying the reliability of digital security, and predicting any future issues regarding IoT, cloud computing, and AI.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Special Reports - Report: Best Countries for Cyber Security Professionals, 2023 (Average Salary)
Alexandra Dimitropoulou

Alexandra Dimitropoulou

VP and News Editor
Alexandra Dimitropoulou is a VP and News Editor at CEOWORLD magazine, working to build and strengthen the brand’s popular, consumer-friendly content. In addition to running the company’s website, CEOWORLD magazine, which aims to help CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, and other C-level executives get smarter about how they earn, save and spend their money, she also sits on the Board of Directors of the Global Business Policy Institute. She can be reached on email You can follow her on Twitter at @ceoworld.