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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Tech and Innovation - Pin-Down The Tornado Which Is Targeting Our Little One’s Well-Being

Tech and Innovation

Pin-Down The Tornado Which Is Targeting Our Little One’s Well-Being

Prof. Nabhit Kapur
Prof. Nabhit Kapur

Pandemic entailed emotional and mental breakdown in young children and even adolescents. It was believed that circumstances will turn out to be normal, and better post-lockdown. But, none of this happened. Instead, it was seen that children were much more affected by the while lockdown situation. The opening of lockdown didn’t turn dusk into dawn, and the air in the atmosphere is becoming depressed and anxious. 

Kids who were eagerly waiting for the schools to reopen were seen getting anxious and distressed. The reason was the absence of confidence, or low-esteem,  difficulty in paying attention in the classes, anxiety, etc.  Most of the students are experiencing nervousness, they are no more excited to meet and greet their peers and teachers. According to some studies and reports, it was also noticed that children who were facing eating difficulties, were experiencing sustained anger, in fact, there is an increase in the percentage of cases with self-harm or suicidal thoughts. Children, the foundation of the future, our tomorrow are getting collapsed. Lockdown has designated them with a scar which is difficult to fade away. 

Their mental well-being is on the verge of destruction. And who’s responsible for all this? Is it us? Well, can’t guarantee, and can we do anything about it? Yes, numerous things, we just need to take a step forward in the right direction. We need to hear them out, feel what’s moving inside them, not sympathize but empathize with our little ones. The time period is not to expect them to perform excellently or well in exams, it’s the time to provide them a sense of belonging. It’s not the time to scold them for their failures, it’s the time to build confidence in them by being their support, mentally and emotionally.   

Become more approachable. Check if your child is developing fear, clinginess, disturbed sleeping patterns, poor appetite, nightmares, and feelings of isolation. The nationwide closures of educational institutions have left a negative impact on over 90% of the population. Home confinement has led to anxiety and a downfall in the number of socialization opportunities. So, as a parent or guardian make sure to give your child exposure and more chances of one-to-one interactions, this step will keep their confidence intact.  

Absence of a proper routine has made them fall into claws of boredom which ultimately led to a lack of creativity. So ensure to involve them in activities which demands innovation and make them assertive and optimistic. Not addressing our children’s mental health and psychological development limits the possibilities of them living their lives to the fullest. Further, we are well aware that if not shown the right path, they might go clueless. Preserving the mental health of our children is critical as it will follow them in their teenage and even forever. It’s difficult to see through your kid’s soul, but you can see their face and sense the tornado which is looking out to destroy your little one’s mental peace.    

Written by Prof. Nabhit Kapur.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Tech and Innovation - Pin-Down The Tornado Which Is Targeting Our Little One’s Well-Being
Prof. Nabhit Kapur
Prof. Nabhit Kapur is a well-known psychologist who is well-versed in understanding mental health as well as studying and grasping behaviours of how people communicate with each another. He is also an author, TEDx speaker, and internationally recognized ambassador for mental health and peace. He graduated from Amity University and completed his postgraduation from IBMS, Chittoor.

Nabhit Kapur is an opinion columnist for the CEOWORLD magazine. You can follow him on Twitter, LinkedIn, and his website.