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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Lifestyle and Travel - The 9 Types Of Intelligence

Lifestyle and Travel

The 9 Types Of Intelligence

Once upon a time intelligence was related to mathematics and our ability to do complex calculations in a timely fashion way. Scientists who study the human mind and behavior have shed some light on the issue. Anthropologists, biologists, psychiatrists, and doctors all now agree that things are a little more complex. Sternberg’s theory assumes there are three types of intelligence: practical, creative, and analytical. The most common and accepted theories now claim that intelligence can be divided into nine types to better understand how human nature works. However, the level of performance we have in each type strongly depends on our practice on a particular topic. For example, speaking is something that we use a lot more than numbers during our everyday lives. In school, most of the time is given to linguistic lessons. Even when the time comes to study mathematics the problems the pupil has to resolve are described in linguistic terms. Therefore the practice we have there is greater. For this reason, people who had remarkable linguistic skills were never praised as people who were good at mathematics. This simply happened because the particular talent was cultivated by everyone.

So, which are these types of intelligence that more or less all of us have?

  1. Logical-Mathematical
    As mentioned above this is the type we are all most familiar with. Traditionally, people who do well in math are called clever. People in this category are good with numbers and solving problems that demand reason. Physicists are also expected to have high logical and mathematical intelligence as well as developers and programmers.
  2. Linguistic
    People of this category are more likely to be good at language learning. They can support a wide vocabulary and they easily learn foreign languages as well. Their mind can keep in order all the information that is related to languages without being confused. Many professions are related to this type of intelligence and people who are good at that can be considered lucky.
  3. Musical
    Music is a whole universe and not everyone can understand it equally. Small differences in tonality are not detected from all human ears. Musicians who are more likely to be talented in this particular area can hear and reproduce efficiently sounds in a detailed and nice way. Singers are another example of high musically intelligent people. Remember to sound good you have to hear first.
  4. Spatial
    Spatial intelligence again refers to one of our five senses. Have you noticed that some people get dressed and the way they combine their clothes is unique? This spontaneous talent comes from spatial intelligence. They first, capture the whole picture and then they see where the human eye focuses and they just try to lead that attention. While painters may also want to express themselves through the process of drawing people who have spatial intelligence are simply talented.
  5. Naturalist
    Here we have to do with people who are nature-smart. They understand the animals’ reactions and they have a deep understanding of how nature works. They identify the weather and using their senses they can guess how it will change. Being close to nature or having a pet can help you develop your naturalist intelligence a great deal.
  6. Bodily-kinesthetic
    At this point, we turn our focus on the charismatic dancers. It is the type of intelligence that has to do with how well we understand body movement. It can break down into simple things like ”How hard do I need to push the door to make it open?” It has to do with understanding your own body at first, even your abilities: ”Are your legs strong enough to climb that mountain?” Ourselves in the surrounding space are fully known in this case.
  7. Existential
    It has to do with our ability to understand how life works. All the complex interactions that lead to specific results are hard to decipher. Reading and watching movies, can help a lot to become life-smart. Fairytales would work in that direction in the past. Whatever can set an example to figure out how things function in life.
  8. Interpersonal
    For some people, this is synonymous with emotional intelligence. With the term of interpersonal intelligence, we refer to our ability to understand other people’s emotions and reactions. This is quite useful because it allows us to respond appropriately and avoid hurting other people’s feelings.
  9. Intra-personal
    Last but not least, what’s more, important than ourselves? This type of intelligence has to do with how deep we understand ourselves. Our own emotions are under the microscope. We can also understand our abilities, our skills, and our charisma. Which career should we turn to? A very vital characteristic for all humans, since it is only us who can understand ourselves the best.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Lifestyle and Travel - The 9 Types Of Intelligence
Anna Siampani
Anna Siampani, Lifestyle Editorial Director at the CEOWORLD magazine, working with reporters covering the luxury travel, high-end fashion, hospitality, and lifestyle industries. As lifestyle editorial director, Anna oversees CEOWORLD magazine's daily digital editorial operations, editing and writing features, essays, news, and other content, in addition to editing the magazine's cover stories, astrology pages, and more. You can reach Anna by mail at