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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Success and Leadership - 5 ways to improve your communication skills at work

Success and Leadership

5 ways to improve your communication skills at work

business meeting communication skills at work

Managers are often caught being great when it comes to leading a team, but many times they are left behind when it comes to good communication skills. Good communication is about helping the company and engaging the employees to give out their best. On the other hand, if you are an employee, you can save yourself some time from the confusion of misunderstandings and learn how to manage your interaction with others. Especially nowadays that remote work is typical, and people seem to lose their social skills, those who are strong in communication will stand out from the competition because, at some point, the ability to communicate appropriately will be rare. Misunderstanding between the group can be frustrating and will undoubtedly cause problems in the future. The benefits of proper communication will be reflected in the team’s quality of work and help you promote. Below we list five of the keys that rule positive communication.

  1. Listen more
    Listening is the beginning to move to the next step, which is to respond. Good listeners are underestimated. Especially in leaders’ positions, people are expected to talk and act more than they are expected to listen. However, listening has to do with saving you time from future mistakes. It is also apparent for others whether you are paying attention to them or whether you totally disregard their opinion. Listen to what they have to say, and consider this as a gift to yourself, rather than a task you have to do to get people to like you. The truth is, you have to be convinced of the benefits of listening to make it happen for real.

  2. Learn the body language
    The truth about the real intentions and the authentic reaction of people is hidden in nonverbal communication. More than half of the messages are passed out through our body language. Read about the details of that, and you will have a weapon to better communicate with people at work. It is not only necessary to express yourself to others but also to understand where they stand when you talk to them. In other words, you have to learn to listen beyond the ears. Use your eyes and put the whole performance to the big picture.

  3. Give feedback
    Have you noticed how positive feedback makes you feel? Well, guess what? It is equally crucial for other people to get positive feedback also. It helps them feel confident and encourages them to keep up with the excellent work. At the same time, negative feedback has to be pointed out from time to time. Being communicating doesn’t mean holding back the negative review! No, it is crucial to learn how to inform people about their mistakes and disadvantages without offending them or being rude. It will be further appreciated if you manage to adjust your style so that you don’t hurt people’s feelings. Please don’t skip the feedback in any case; it helps people reassure they have your attention, even when you don’t entirely agree.

  4. Recognize each one’s particular case
    It is rather crucial to understand that each worker is different and holds a different position in the company. Learn to categorize them by gender, age, type of employment, and position to the company. This way, you will get the best out of each of your partners. For example, older employees tend to be disregarded by younger ambitious and capable employers. However, they often have a keen understanding of how the company works, and they probably have a lot to offer. At the same time, the relationship you have with people at work should affect your attitude towards them. Recognize your relationship and specify their needs, and you will do great.

  5. Watch out the written communication
    Whatever rule applies in communication when you are face to face applies to written words accordingly. First of all, you have to make sure you answer your emails, and you don’t neglect your co-workers. Answering their questions and spending some time to get in touch with them is a sign of respect on your behalf and will be highly appreciated. Social media is another step to online communication. Connect with your colleagues on social media and give them a sign of a positive attitude. Depending on your relationship at work, choose wisely the type of social media you connect to. Instagram is not a proper playground to meet your employees online. Twitter and LinkedIn are evidently more appropriate. Network with people and don’t consider this as boring ”office politics.”

Written by Anna Siampani.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Success and Leadership - 5 ways to improve your communication skills at work
Anna Siampani
Anna Siampani, Lifestyle Editorial Director at the CEOWORLD magazine, working with reporters covering the luxury travel, high-end fashion, hospitality, and lifestyle industries. As lifestyle editorial director, Anna oversees CEOWORLD magazine's daily digital editorial operations, editing and writing features, essays, news, and other content, in addition to editing the magazine's cover stories, astrology pages, and more. You can reach Anna by mail at