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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Stats Gate - Europe’s Best Cities To Invest In Real Estate In 2021

Stats Gate

Europe’s Best Cities To Invest In Real Estate In 2021

Buying a property to have a roof for yourself and family or just to rent is a rather smart idea during the covid19 era where all of the other markets seem to fluctuate a lot. Real estate is not a risky investment and could be seen not only as an investment but also as putting your money to a bank with a high-interest rate.

Depending on the country the percentage of the profit varies. The choice of place that you will decide to make your investment does not only depend on the profit that you expect to have. Many times countries with high-profit percentages are excluded from some of the buyers’ choices because of the high initial cost of the investment.

Cities are also more possible to be picked as a real estate market, as a safer choice since the population tends to move to the cities making the need for housing there higher. With Germany being the leader as a country in the European Union’s economy, the real estate business has some nice opportunities for the investors. Here we will review some of Europe’s best choices for real estate investment and argue on the benefits these might have on your pockets.

  1. Paris, France
    Ask any person working in real estate right now which is the best place to invest in Europe and you will get the same answer: Paris. Paris is the leader in real estate for the time being and this is because of the Great Paris project where they plan to invest € 30,000 million. The project has been on board for a few years and the target is to boost the city’s economy and business. The house pricing in Metropolitan France has risen 5% over the last year when tourism and lockdowns around Europe have hurt all other parts of the continent’s economy. Apart from the capital of France, a significant increase and similar to the one in Paris has been noted in other parts of France, such as Ile-de-France, the Petite Couronne, the Grande Couronne, and Hauts-de-Seine.
  2. Berlin, Germany
    Germany has a stable economy as a whole and its capital, Berlin is always on the top 5 of the real estate market. This situation has been on the map of real estate for Germany for more than five years and is known as the housing boom of Berlin. The growth of house pricing is almost double compared to the one in France and the future appears very optimistic for all the investors. Deutsche Bank came aggressively on the media to state that they do not expect any type of decrease within the next two years. Germany has had the luck and wisdom to escape two financial crises over the last years, the global crisis of 2008-2009, and the latest one that is associated with covid19.

    Berlin skyline
  3. Frankfurt, Germany
    Right after Berlin Frankfurt is the next most promising city to invest in Germany. The country’s policy regarding the big migration wave from the Middle East has risen the need for houses. The country had not been prepared regarding the increase of the population and new constructions do not seem to be enough to solve the problem. As a result, the housing prices are rising continuously and people who do not afford to live in the capital move to lower-cost cities, giving the opportunity to investors to do business.
  4. Amsterdam, Netherlands
    The price of apartments, detached, semi-detached, terraced, and corner houses, have shown an increase between 6% and 9%. Interest rates are low and after the coronavirus, there are over 2,500 transactions of houses every week within the country. This along with the low-interest rates give a very vivid picture of the real estate market in Amsterdam. The city’s overall portrait is a surprise for many specialists, but the numbers give the facts. According to most analysts, the lack of houses in the capital is the main reason for the promising situation.
  5. Brussels, Belgium
    Even though, the overall picture of Belgium’s economy is contradictory as many analysts would say, the housing industry is still a safe playground for investors. The huge outbreak of housing prices in Belgium was before the global financial crisis of 2008-2009 in 2003-2008.

    Brussels # 25 Best European Destination.

    In the meanwhile, the worldwide economic changes affected strongly the country’s businesses and real estate as well. At this point real estate seems to have recovered in the country and is rising again. Again Belgium copies Germany’s tendency and the construction activity does not follow the country’s need for housing. Demand and supply are therefore on the side of the investors. For the time being, covid19 has had an impact on Belgium and Brussels, but real estate has yet a lot to offer.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Stats Gate - Europe’s Best Cities To Invest In Real Estate In 2021
Anna Siampani
Anna Siampani, Lifestyle Editorial Director at the CEOWORLD magazine, working with reporters covering the luxury travel, high-end fashion, hospitality, and lifestyle industries. As lifestyle editorial director, Anna oversees CEOWORLD magazine's daily digital editorial operations, editing and writing features, essays, news, and other content, in addition to editing the magazine's cover stories, astrology pages, and more. You can reach Anna by mail at