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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Tech and Innovation - World’s Top 10 Heroes Of Covid-19 Pandemic

Tech and Innovation

World’s Top 10 Heroes Of Covid-19 Pandemic

Jack Ma or Ma Yun

Covid-19 pandemic affected our lives to a great extent. Some people in crucial positions and from different sectors took action against Covid-19. These people left their mark through great effort. The Fortune magazine devoted its seventh annual leader’s list to those people including inspirational figures from the medical community. The list is called the World’s 10 Greatest Leaders: Heroes of the pandemic. We selected ten remarkable leaders and we present them to you.

  1. Li Wenliang
    He was an opthalmologist at Wuhan Central Hospital. He was the first to sound the alarm about coronavirus on December 13th, 2019 but he soon was forced to recant his warning by local Chinese authorities. He was the first person who tried to widely inform people about the expansion of the virus. Li returned to the hospital after his release of the Chinese authorities. Within some days he was infected by the virus and died on February 7th, 2020 at the age of 33.
  2. Christine Gregoire
    She served as the 22nd governor of Washington from 2005 to 2013. Gregoire managed to bring together Seattle’s business community to help slow the coronavirus spread. The group she formed, included some of the world’s most competitive corporate organizations that acted together without wasting time.
  3. Jack Ma
    He is co-founder and former executive chairman of Alibaba Group. Ma is the second-wealthiest person in China, after Ma Huateng with a net worth of 48.3 billion dollars. Ma, as of mid- April had donated nearly 18 million masks, 3 million test kits, and thousands of ventilators reaching over 100 countries, including Latin America and Africa.
    Jack Ma
  4. Antony Fauci
    Fauci is an American physician and immunologist who has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. Since January 2020, he has been one of the lead members of the Trump administration’s White House Coronavirus Task Force. Gradually, he became the most trusted authority figure. Speaking honestly, he admitted that government’s testing efforts were a failure and that many mistakes were made. However, he has helped the White House to correct the weaknesses.
  5. Rachael Bedard
    She is a geriatrician on Rikers Island jails. She has used Twitter to make aware the public that there is potential for many prisoners to die of covid-19. She warned that jail is «a perfect setup» for a deadly outbreak. «I do know that decarceration on a mass scale is an urgent public health demand and an outbreak mitigation strategy — and that such population-level concerns should not obscure the individual implications of removing the constraints of unfreedom for each person who is released. No one deserves to die in handcuffs», wrote characteristically in Twitter.
  6. Jose Andres
    He is a Spanish-American chef, restaurateur, and founder of World Central Kitchen. He owns restaurants in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Las Vegas, South Beach, Florida, Orlando, New York City, and Frisco, Texas. Jose Andres transferred food to quarantined cruise ships, serving nearly 100.000 meals a day to health care workers and others in hotspots. Furthermore, he turned the Washington Nationals’ baseball stadium into a massive community kitchen to serve D.C. residents.
  7. George Yancopoulos
    He is the chief scientific officer and co-founder at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. He is known for his fight against Covid-19. He started clinical trials in March after evidence emerged from China that the company’s rheumatoid arthritis drug may help the most severely ill patients. Yancopoulos’s team has also been developing an antibody cocktail since January to treat the disease.
  8. Mary Barra
    Mary Barra is the CEO of General Motors. General Motors was the first big American automaker to fight against COVID-19 in a speedway. On April 8, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services awarded General Motors a 489 million dollars contract to deliver 30.000 ventilators by the end of August.
  9. Bill Gates
    While others didn’t prepare for the pandemic, Bill Gates did. In 2017 he put his money behind CEPI, an organization that has already introduced eight COVID-19 vaccine candidates into development. In February, Gates developed funding to boost the readiness in Africa and South Asia for coronavirus.
    Bill Gates
  10. Leo Yee-Sin
    She is the Executive Director of the National Centre for Infectious Diseases. Singapore now has one of the highest per capita testing rates in the world. Leo Yee- Sin has contributed to this. Leo’s center developed a test before the city-state confirmed its first case.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Tech and Innovation - World’s Top 10 Heroes Of Covid-19 Pandemic
Maria Gourtsilidou
Maria Gourtsilidou is Senior Editor of Research and Data Analytics at the CEOWORLD magazine. She is responsible for driving thought leadership, using data analytics to showcase the company’s products and services, and fostering knowledge sharing between CEOWORLD magazine and client organizations. She studied Public Administration (Economics Of The Public Sector) in Greece and holds a Bachelor’s in Public Administration from the Panteion University of Political & Social Studies. Follow Maria Gourtsilidou on Twitter. Write at