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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Education and Career - 5 Reasons to Pursue Postdoctoral Education Abroad

Education and Career

5 Reasons to Pursue Postdoctoral Education Abroad

university students

If a Ph.D. did not satisfy you and you aim to explore deeper into your subject-area, then a post-doctoral study would be an ideal option. A Post-doc is essentially a temporary position enabling you to investigate further into your areas of interest so that your knowledge and skills as a researcher are honed. In case you sign up for a postdoc program, you will be put under the supervision of a mentor and involved in research projects. Joining such a program is a huge commitment but the benefits are multi-fold. However, these benefits will only be enhanced if you pursue a postdoctoral study abroad.

I have listed 5 reasons why a postdoc from an international university can add stars to your resume and validate your skills and knowledge in front of the world at large. So, take note of what I write here and remember them when you consider the question of whether or not to join a postdoc program abroad.

  1. Broader Opportunities
    When I say that international education means better opportunities, I do not mean to downgrade the quality of education in your domestic country. However, truth be told, there are many universities abroad that are unparalleled in terms of research and being a part of them would expose you to quality opportunities. In fact, an international postdoc will add glitters to your experience and give you an edge over others when it comes to the job. With an international postdoc, you break territorial barriers and can effectively engage in an international job market and hence, broader job opportunities in the future.

    university students

  2. A wider perspective
    Limiting yourself to the resources of your home country might have a restrictive effect on your research. For example, in humanities, you might want to explore and understand a sociological area, and exposure to different cultures might help in widening your perspective and adding more substance to your findings. As a researcher, you are expected to keep an open mind; studying abroad unlocks your mind to various possibilities. Yes, there is the Internet that lets you know and read about an international perspective but you cannot be sure how authentic the source material is unless you do a check on ground-reality yourself.

    university students

  3. More Financial Support
    International students of postdoctoral studies are more likely to secure better funding than domestic students. In order to incentivize international students toward performing the best they can, many fellowships are offered to international postdocs. These fellowships include Fullbright Scholar Program, Newton Bhabha Fellowship, and Humboldt Research Fellowship. Greater financial assistance will allow you to invest deeper in your investigations and manage life in an alien place comfortably. While you are researching for good places to do a postdoc, make sure to check whether the universities shortlisted treat postdocs as employees; because many do and provide related benefits to postdoc candidates.

    university students

  4. Stronger and better network
    An International postdoc would mean international connections. Once you are enrolled in a postdoc program, you are in a position to acquaint yourself with researchers from other parts of the world. A Global network will enhance your reputation, opening doors to more opportunities. For example, a fellow researcher based in Geneva might recommend you for a position in his home country, or you might receive invitations to address conferences or present papers in other parts of the world. The more reputed the university is, the better the research projects you will get. Better research projects would mean a more qualified team of researchers. With such a team, you can expand your network which would be of use to you in some way or the other.

    university students

  5. A Shiny Resume
    I have thrown light on the fact that an international postdoc will make your resume look nicer. There is no gainsaying that international education of any kind often out-values domestic education, especially if the former is done in a developed country and the latter in a developing or under-developed country. In India, for example, international degrees are quite charming in academics, and those with international education land up with better job offers. So, if you secure a postdoc qualification from a well-acclaimed university abroad, much more offers will come your way than those with domestic postdocs.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Education and Career - 5 Reasons to Pursue Postdoctoral Education Abroad
Ayushi Kushwaha
Ayushi Kushwaha, Staff Writer for the CEOWORLD magazine. She’s spent more than a decade working for various magazines, newspapers, and digital publications and is now a Staff Writer at The CEOWORLD magazine. She writes news stories and executive profiles for the magazine’s print and online editions. Obsessed with unlocking high-impact choices to accelerate meaningful progress, she helps individuals and organizations stand out and get noticed. She can be reached on email