Saturday, July 27, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - The dawning of the age of social purpose and emotional intelligence (Ei)

CEO Advisory

The dawning of the age of social purpose and emotional intelligence (Ei)

“The 2018 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends report showcases the rapid rise of the social enterprise. This shift reflects the growing importance of social capital in shaping an organisation’s purpose, guiding its relationships with stakeholders, and influencing its ultimate success or failure.”

Social purpose and Ei empower high growth organisations. Smart businesses ensure the creative skills required to succeed are supported not displaced by artificial intelligence (AI). According to the US Department of Commerce, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) creates a nation of innovation and global competitiveness because it drives the generation of ideas and creation of new industries. These skills must be learnt by employees to grow confidence in support of creativity.

Going forward, organisations will position the sales, service and technology roles in-house and in employee communities to ensure skills and knowledge support the vital connection to the customer. An organisation’s purpose and culture are intrinsically tied to the community it serves. This is where meaning starts and ends for the employee – it’s their playground to develop skills, grow and create.

Collaborative, inclusive, organic cultures challenged to transfer skills and share knowledge is where the future of organisations must be. These sharing cultures employ trust to free the creative mind, fuelling our curiosity and self-awareness. Meanwhile, unaware governments and short-sighted command style leaders are oblivious to how overpopulated, built, regulated, artificial environments stifle awareness, adaptability, trust and growth strategies. Ei opens minds to opportunity.

A sense of social capital raises empathy and awareness. Social values and respect for life’s diversity supports Ei and creativity. Intuition records values and associations over a lifetime of experiences. The more intuition is trusted, the more you develop heightened self-awareness and reasoning skills to explore solutions. Your heart guides your purpose – it’s what you love. Define your passion and purpose to lead a fulfilling life. By believing in yourself right to the very core, intuitive decisions are made spontaneously, instinctively and creatively. The freed unconscious mind will create to ensure success.

Communities are left disenfranchised, disconnected, and apathetic without inspiring transformative leadership, who express secure pathways through visions and strategy. In a complex age, trust and Ei are eroded because, people and employees are not feeling secure in their work and communities. When unsafe, instincts are employed to protect rather than guide us. Self-awareness builds understanding to regulate stress. As well as health benefits, the positive, centred, present state provides better listening skills and independent creative perspectives.

Be prepared for a new era of collaboration and freed intelligence, driven by business cultures inspired by Ei, creativity and transformative leaders who, like Jacinda Ardern, openly lead from the heart. With the onset of the Collaboration Age, life in communities will flourish in its many diverse forms fuelling creative responses to environmental degradation. The most progressive, adaptive organisations will challenge employees to develop soft skills and deliver meaning in their community. The right-brain spatial awareness characteristics of Ei and cultural intelligence (Ci) will drive strategy, innovation and connectivity. Businesses need to become agile and adaptive or perish. Those who appreciate humanities creative spirit, know our most progressive organisations are already embarking on this transformation. As a natural evolutionary progression, the Collaboration Age will transcend all those before it.

As organisations empower human potential and develop high-performing, inclusive cultures, they will appreciate superior performance is tied to each community it serves. The evolution of best practice is moving to the next phase, one that dynamically and intuitively adjusts to customer expectations or acceptance of majority community preferences. To derive value from people, businesses must realise value in people. Trust, open communication, input at every level and acceding to every need and expectation will dictate the business environments of the future. The era of protected knowledge will no longer feature, as customers, employees and shareholders warm to the benefits of individual attention, open environments and demand that organisations lead by example.

Written by Tony Holmwood.
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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - The dawning of the age of social purpose and emotional intelligence (Ei)
Tony Holmwood
Tony Holmwood is a cultural change and Ei coach, author of Best Behaviour and founder of Outperf4m Consulting. Tony is an opinion columnist for the CEOWORLD magazine.