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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Briefing - 5 Things You Must Never Do When In Ireland

CEO Briefing

5 Things You Must Never Do When In Ireland

Before I start with anything, let me clear out that I am talking about the Republic of Ireland, which is officially called Ireland, not Northern Ireland, which is a part of the United Kingdom. With this note, let us move on and have a better look at what I have for you in this article.

The Republic of Ireland, or simply Ireland, is a small European country, whose capital is Dublin. It is presently one of the wealthiest countries in the world, figuring in the top ten. It was at its zenith of prosperity during the Celtic Tiger period, and despite the intervening financial crisis in 2008, it managed to sustain itself as a regional power in Europe.

However, the country is also known for other things. One such thing is tourism, which is very well-developed and popular among domestic and international tourists. Of course, there are many things to see and do in this country, and you have a high degree of freedom to do whatever you want. But, there are things which you must take note of whenever here.

Like every other country, even the most developed and open-minded country, tourists are expected to be mindful of the local lifestyle and norms. Hence, it is better that you read about them before you travel. I will give you some help by writing down 5 such things you must avoid when in Ireland.

  1. Irish People Are Not Drunkards
    Unfortunately, a lot of our misconceptions about countries emerge from movies and books which very recklessly indulge in spreading misinformation. Ireland is a victim too.
    Many people have this misconception that what all Irish people do is drink and drink until they pass out. Well, first, Irish people love drinks, but there is a whole world of difference between a lover and a drunkard. Do not go out claiming to Irish people that they cannot live without their drinks and that all they do is drink.
    You will not be happy with the consequences which would follow.
  2. Do Not Forget To Buy Your Round
    As I said, Irish people love drinks, and this love of theirs has contributed to the development of some really peculiar traditions. One such thing is the round system they follow, which basically means that when someone buys you a drink you must buy one for them in return.
    Believe me, this tradition is taken very seriously in the country, especially in its pubs. So, do not skip your round!
  3. No Indoor Smoking
    Not many people outside Ireland know that smoking in enclosed spaces is legally prohibited in the country. That is, you cannot generally smoke indoors; however, there may be certain exceptions. For example, there are certain designated hotel rooms which allow smoking.
    If you really wish to smoke, then do it outdoors. Most eateries over here designate an outdoor space for smoking purposes. Use that. Or, smoke in public.
  4. Do Not take Irish banter to heart
    Irish people are known for dark humor. They would often tease each other or mock them, but this whole banter is very friendly in nature. It is, in fact, an aspect of their everyday life.
    Of course, I understand that people coming from outside may feel offended by such behavior, but you cannot expect a country to change its ways just because you are visiting. Learn to adjust and not take too much to heart. Irish are good fellows, with a knack for messing with people (playfully!).
  5. Do Not Make Fun Of Irish History
    We all know about the blood-stained American Civil War because the media tends to cover that a lot. But, not many know about the Irish Civil War which is still a raw topic among the locals, despite having occurred nearly a hundred years ago. The Civil War followed the Irish War of Independence and was marked by a lot of loss of human life and property.
    It can be easily said that Irish history is not as easy-going as one might think, and is a very sensitive topic for the natives. Do not mock it or pretend to know-it-all just because you think you are entitled to. Respect the sentiments of the people you are with.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Briefing - 5 Things You Must Never Do When In Ireland
Prof. Dr. Amarendra Bhushan Dhiraj
Prof. Dr. Amarendra Bhushan Dhiraj is a publishing executive and economist who is the CEO and editor-in-chief of The CEOWORLD magazine, one of the world’s most influential and recognized global news publications. Additionally, he serves as the chair of the advisory board for the CEOWORLD magazine. He received his Ph.D. in Finance and Banking from the European Global School, Paris, France. He earned his Doctoral Degree in Chartered Accountancy from the European International University Paris, France, and a Doctorate in Business Administration from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD), Ukraine. Dr. Amarendra also holds a Master of Business Administration degree in International Relations and Affairs from the American University of Athens, Alabama, United States.

Prof. Dr. Amarendra Bhushan Dhiraj is CEO and editor-in-chief of CEOWORLD magazine. You can follow him on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter.