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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - The Tripod of Success

CEO Advisory

The Tripod of Success

Colleagues Happy

Several years ago, a movie called “The Pursuit of Happyness” debuted. It was based on the real-life story of Chris Gardner, a highly successful businessman who was once homeless.

It compellingly shows how one man and his young son went from sleeping on the floor in a public restroom to living a life of greater comfort, security, and success.

How does someone go from such dire straits to high levels of success?

It boils down to the tripod of success.

  • Attitude
  • Motivation
  • Willingness to learn and do the work

Chris had the tripod.

Was life hard? Harder than most can imagine.

Were the odds against him? Indeed, they were.

Was his dream nearly impossible, given his situation? Most people would say, “Yes.”

But Chris was incessantly driven to get back up every time life knocked him down.

Driven from within by a “never-give-up” attitude; and motivated from without by the desire to give his son a better life, Chris walked up to a highly successful businessman and point-blank asked him how he got there.

The man was taken aback. No one had the nerve to ask him that question before. But it got his attention, and in a good way.

One thing led to another, and Chris worked his way into becoming a highly successful businessman, too. There were nights he and his son slept in homeless shelters or on a public restroom floor, but he showed up for work each day, nonetheless.

His is one powerful story of how attitude, motivation, and a willingness to learn and work can change a life trajectory; and, what’s more, a family’s legacy.

People often say they want a better life for themselves and their families.

They are tired of just getting by in their career or business. Unlike Chris, they may live in nice houses and drive expensive cars; but underneath it all, they know they are just a few paychecks from homeless. Or maybe they are doing well, but dependent on one company or one client for the support of their family.

Think about that.

Does the thought concern you?

It should.

It is wise to diversify – not just your stock portfolio, but your income streams. This doesn’t mean you have to work 80 hours a week, either.

What would it mean to you to have the security of an additional income stream?

What would several income streams provide in terms of freedom and opportunity?

Conversations reveal that most people are concerned about the limits on their income from a job that may or may not exist for them tomorrow – and the limits on their freedom if it does.

There’s a better way.

Those same conversations also reveal key indicators for whether or not they will succeed. This is where the attitude surfaces, and attitude is a key indicator.

“Teach me how, and I will do this!”

“I will do whatever it takes because this is important to me and my family.”


“I need more income, but…”

“I want more freedom, but…”

These are clear indicators.

Surprisingly, many argue against the advice they have requested, saying it won’t work for them or they are too busy (or any number of other excuses). It would be like Chris Gardner asking the stockbroker how he got to where he was and then…walking away.

In two words, that is MISSED OPPORTUNITY.

There is a tripod of success, and it is this.

  • Attitude
  • Motivation
  • Willingness to learn and do the work

Armed with these three powerful tools, Chris Gardner created a brand-new life.

And, by the way, so can you!

Have you read?

# World’s Top 50 Universities For Psychology Degrees, 2019.
# World’s Top 50 Universities For Arts and Humanities Degrees, 2019.
# World’s Top 50 Universities For Education Degrees, 2019.
# World’s Top 50 Universities For Social Sciences Degrees, 2019.
# World’s Top 50 Universities For Business And Economics Degrees, 2019.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - The Tripod of Success
Dave Ferguson
Internationally respected and highly experienced executive leadership coach, speaker and author. Check Dave out at Dave is an opinion columnist for the CEOWORLD magazine.