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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insider - Five Myths About MBA You Should Know and Not Believe

CEO Insider

Five Myths About MBA You Should Know and Not Believe

MBAs are most misunderstood postgraduates than any in the professional world. In the 21st century, the role of MBAs has become unprecedentedly large as a result of which there has been an unwanted mix of truths and myths. It, therefore, becomes essential that we know where we are wrong and right.

In this post, I challenge all the commonly accepted myths about MBAs. I am pretty sure that after this post you will be well-positioned to decide what MBAs are and what they actually do in a more informed manner. In case you are planning to pursue an MBA, I think you should give extra attention to what has been written down here.

Here are 5 myths about MBA to avoid:

It is all about greed

I cannot get enough of the stereotype that anything even remotely connected with business involves greed. Profit-making and greed may sound synonymous, but they are actually not. So, the next time you think that MBAs are greedy because they want to run or handle businesses, then think about I just told you.

MBAs are among the most reputed professionals in the world. They are taught to understand business in a systematic and smart manner so that they can contribute to the positive development of businesses and eventually the world’s economy. Doing an MBA does not guarantee a money-filled life; it just prepares you to find and exploit avenues for money-making and lead a good and exciting life.

MBAs Lack Ethics

This myth stems from a largely prevalent stereotype that because MBAs engage in business management and advancement they tend to have less or no ethics at all. I repeat that anything which is business or indirectly related to business does not automatically become filled with everything unethical.

MBAs are taught to study businesses and come up with methods to gain the maximum out of the latter’s operations. This does not mean they have to necessarily forsake their ethics to achieve their goals. People do not need a degree to be unethical; they are unethical regardless of what they are.

Do Not Go For Online MBA Programs

There is a lot of confusion revolving around online MBA programs and many believe they do not work at all. Actually, it is not really the case.

So long as you have enrolled in an MBA program run by a well-established institute it should not be a problem. Some of the best MBA programs are conducted by a slew of prestigious universities and business schools in the world. These include the University of South Carolina, Warwick Business School, IE Business School, and Washington State University.

It is, however, recommended that you do a check on whether these courses are recognized in your country. If you end up enrolling in an expensive MBA program when your country does not recognize it at all, it will hurt badly.   

MBAs Contribute Less

Today, economies are thriving because of effective business management policies being undertaken at organization and country level. If you do not believe me, then you should look up the Internet and you will come across a number of notable MBAs who have achieved and contributed tremendously.

Examples of such individuals include Tim Cook from Apple and Sheryl Sandberg from Facebook. Had these people conventional in their understanding of businesses, they would not have been where they are right now. It was their capability to think beyond which enabled them to make significant contributions to the world—and believe me, their education at Business School really helped them.

MBAs Look Down Upon Other Professionals

I think this a case with every other professional course we know of. You can be a law grad to look down upon other professionals; likewise for engineers, doctors, and others. When you are a part of a professional course, you tend to justify its relevance wherever you go or are unless you really hate it. This might make you haughty, causing you to look down upon others.

But, we cannot blame MBAs for all the arrogance there exists. Moreover, it is an unfair generalization that all MBAs think alike and consider others inferior to themselves. So, I advise you that whenever you are talking with an MBA avoid picturing him as a self-conceited rich brat—it is most likely he is not.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insider - Five Myths About MBA You Should Know and Not Believe
Ayushi Kushwaha
Ayushi Kushwaha, Staff Writer for the CEOWORLD magazine. She’s spent more than a decade working for various magazines, newspapers, and digital publications and is now a Staff Writer at The CEOWORLD magazine. She writes news stories and executive profiles for the magazine’s print and online editions. Obsessed with unlocking high-impact choices to accelerate meaningful progress, she helps individuals and organizations stand out and get noticed. She can be reached on email