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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - How To Make The Most Of Your Email Signature

CEO Advisory

How To Make The Most Of Your Email Signature

The use of a well-crafted email signature is one great way of promoting your organization or yourself in each email that you send. Proper use of an email signature will increase your response rate by highlighting your most valuable assets to your clients and prospects alike.

An email signature says a lot about you. It can make you look authoritative in the eye of your clients. Your email signature should not send mixed messages that can cause your clients to undermine your credibility.

Most guides and tips on digital marketing talk about subject lines and introduction; however, there is a crucial part of an email that is always forgotten by most people—the signature.  If you want to make the most of your emails, find a smart email signature generator that can help you create great signatures using professional templates.

Here’s what you need to know in order to create an effective email signature: 

  1. Keep it Short

Not many people have or use email signatures; however, there are those who use signature but lack the knowledge or the right tool to maximize its impact. Such people treat their email signatures as mini-autobiographies, adding too much information to the signature, information that isn’t relevant.  Adding a lot of information on your email signature is not advisable as it will make the signature lose its effectiveness and recipients may not bother to read through it.

A perfect email signature should look natural and should pack just the right information.

Experts in marketing suggest that you should use the kind of information that best represents about your professional brand. The standard format of an email signature should generally have four lines.

Proper use of pipeline (|) and colons (: :) to separate links will help condense your email signature into fewer lines. 

  1. Add an Image

People remember pictures more than written text. However, with this in mind don’t just put any image in your email signature—there is always a type of image that can make a huge difference to your email signature. Adding a headshot to your email signature is advisable. People will most likely remember a you better with a headshot, than with a signature that contains just plain text.

It is important to note that color images are more memorable than black and white images.

Some highlights concerning the use of images on your signature that you should follow include:


  • Always use a professional image, not a photo cropped from another image or a selfie
  • Big images take time to load therefore optimize your image before you add it to the signature
  • Make sure the image you use is a headshot and not a complete body picture
  • Use a photo which you are dressed professionally
  1. Include your Social Media Profiles

When it comes to digital marketing, the right use of social media – by the company and by individual employees – contribute to the success of your company, even if your company’s product or service isn’t of the ‘viral’ nature, as nicely explained in this article. Whatever you post on social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, among others, tell people a lot about you, and this is the main reason why you need to include your social media links in your email signature.

Remember – using a pro email signature is a form of marketing, therefore, adding social profiles to your signature will give recipients multiple ways by which they can contact you, and get to know you better.

If you’re in the habit of sharing content on your social media accounts, adding your social profiles in your signature will increase the traffic to these accounts. (Only add the links to the profiles you are active on, you don’t want prospects clicking through and reaching to a non-active profile, that sends a bad message.) As discussed earlier, people remember visuals more than they remember text, therefore, prefer using social media icons instead of social media links. People are attracted to the visual icons. The human mind takes an average of 150ms to process a symbol and only 100ms to process its meaning. 

  1. Always add a Call to Action

Using a call-to-action is one of the smartest ways you can use to leverage the power of your email signature. The characteristics of a good CTA (Call-to-Action) are, should be up-to-date, should not look like a sales pitch, should not be too pushy, should be simple and should be aligned with the theme of your email.

You should personalize the CTA according to the content of the email and the recipient. Also, the CTA needs to be in sync with the goal of your current campaign. It can be “Download this Free PDF “, “Read our Recent Blog Post”, “Check This Offer” or anything else you believe will make the recipient click. 

Final Words

Implementing a professional email signature across your organization will greatly help your email marketing efforts and everyday communication with clients and prospects. With first emails, establishing credibility by ‘exposing’ yourself – image, social proof, additional relevant information – is a convincing way to solicit response. With ongoing communication, you can and should use the signature to establish your authority in your industry by including links to thought leadership pieces. Think of your email signature as your digital business card. When you hand it to someone, you want them to be impressed.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - How To Make The Most Of Your Email Signature
Jessica Todd Swift
Jessica Todd Swift is the deputy managing editor of the CEOWORLD magazine. She is a veteran business and tech blogger, journalist, and analyst. Jessica is responsible for overseeing newsroom assignments and publishing and providing support to the editor in chief.