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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - 5 Ways to Better Brand Yourself as an Expert Online

CEO Advisory

5 Ways to Better Brand Yourself as an Expert Online

As a business or eCommerce owner, one of the most important things you must do is to work on branding yourself as an expert online. This should be the goal of every online blogger, as well. You can use your blog to help increase your credibility and create your reputation as an expert in your field or niche area.

The Interconnection Between Branding and Authority

Branding is also important. It lets you create your online presence on the web while serving as an introduction to your products and services. Branding is often confused with marketing. They are not the same thing. Marketing involves the promotion of the products and services specific to your market, while branding is about promoting your entire brand and brand image.

To better describe the complexities and opportunities in the world of online branding and building an authority, we reached out to Varun Aggarwal, the co-founder of Designhill.

“It’s easy to create a following online and being active on social media, but if you want to scale that into a real profession of business, one should definitely consider their options with personal branding and creating a professional logo. Logo and brand identities aren’t just for businesses and big-name brands, nor will they cost thousands of dollars like they have in previous years. Through our new artificial intelligence based logo design solution, anyone can create a logo and brand identity in minutes, no matter what their expertise, design skills, or profession might be.”

Learn from the best

When you are trying to learn to get better at something, you should only learn from the best. One of the world’s biggest experts in branding is Daymond John. Known most for his role as one of the investors in ABC’s “Shark Tank” series, he has written books on branding including The Brand Within and The Power of Broke.

In both books, Daymond addresses the importance of focuses more on your branding and less on marketing by creating visual imagery for your brand that connects with your target audience in a unique way.

5 Branding Ideas: Be the Expert

Based on Daymond John’s books, as well as real-world experience in branding, we have come up with five ways to better brand yourself as an expert. Check out these tips and see which ones make the most sense for you.

  1. Write eBooks that address a specific problem.

Everyone that is anyone these days has “a book.” By writing an eBook, you may get invited to speak at webinars or real-world conventions in your niche area; you can help establish yourself as an expert in your field and even make royalties from your books. If you do write an eBook, make sure to get specific and address a particular concern or problem that people have within your niche area, rather than a general view of your market.

  1. Hold online webinars or “live” video feeds.

People get much of their information through online webinars or video feeds about businesses these days. When they subscribe to your Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube page, they will get a notification each time you come in with a live video broadcast or webinar. You can also schedule live video feeds for future dates that will increase your leads and potential audience. Once you get these people into your webinars, it’s up to you to “wow” them with your expertise and knowledge.

  1. Start an online blog or publication.

Every business owner should have a blog. If you do not, there’s never been a better time to start one. Blogs allow you to speak directly to your readers and others who may be interested in doing business with you. You can use your blog for some things, not the least of which is improving your branding and authority. You don’t have to brag about your company all of the time, but try to illustrate to your readers why you are an expert in your field. Tell a story about how you began your company or what inspires you to do what you do. You could also include informative posts about how to do something that involves your product line or services. Offering helpful information for free may result in sales later, and it may increase your reputation as an expert.

  1. Use SEO to position yourself as an expert.

SEO is still alive, and it can often go a long way toward improving your position as an expert online. It’s often something as simple as using keywords in the right places to draw in your audience. Part of brand influencing and establishing yourself as an expert involves the use of the association of keywords and phrases with your blog posts, websites, and other online content. The proper use of meta tags and keywords within your YouTube descriptions can help with this too.

  1. Monetize your sites and blogs

Monetization is one of the most effective ways to increase your online expertise. This is because monetization gets more attention from outsiders who might have an interest in your content than your other assets do. By targeting specific keywords, demographics, or other elements that appeal to outside traffic, you can increase both your authority level and targeted traffic.

Whether you do this with custom ads, Facebook PPC marketing, or other means, you can improve your image as an expert online by using these simple methods.

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Becoming an Expert

The essence of becoming a real expert in your niche or industry starts from within yourself. If you believe in yourself, you are more likely to convince others that you are an expert. If you feel your skills are lacking, you should work on bettering these areas before going online to present yourself as an expert.

There are plenty of online courses available today for CEOs and entrepreneurs in which they can increase their skill level, connect with others in their fields, and thereby increase their level of expertise. No one can be a master of everything, even in their chosen field. There are just too many different aspects of your business to pay attention to. Just focus on the most important aspects and then write books, hold webinars, write blog posts, and do anything else you can do to show that you are an expert.

Be Patient with Yourself

One last thing you should do is to be patient with yourself. No one becomes an expert overnight at anything, so take the time it takes to become great.

Remember the words of Steve Jobs, Apple founder, “We’ve got to get great at the little things.” This means paying attention to not only the big picture of your business but also the finer details that can help increase public confidence in your brand.

Which Method is Best?

As we’ve often said before, there is no cookie-cutter formula for success, no magic bullet that will help you increase your results any better than another one. You have to use the trial-and-error method and see what works best.

For many business owners, it’s enough to use their blog or do some podcasts to establish themselves as an expert. For those who use podcasting or blogging well, you are likely to see some positive results from this method. Others may require some combination of various media or alternate between several types of digital assets.

One other way you can increase your brand presence, and expertise is to have your readers and followers ask questions that you can then answer on your social media pages or blogs.

Most experts agree that having a complete interrelated plan or strategy is best when it comes to improving your brand presence and impression that people get when they come to your page.

Sometimes we are too close to the online environment to see the truth: Just like in the real world, building a brand reputation or coming off as an expert to your target audience takes time. Be patient and enjoy the ride!

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - 5 Ways to Better Brand Yourself as an Expert Online
Zac Johnson
Zac Johnson is an entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in the world of online marketing, business and branding.