Sunday, May 5, 2024

Banking and Finance

BP to Cut Looney’s Compensation Package

Bernard Looney, who stepped down as BP's Chief Executive in September, faces significant repercussions for not disclosing previous personal relationships with colleagues. BP, the London-based oil giant, announced a set of actions aimed at reducing Looney's termination package and reclaiming earlier payments, which may amount to 32.4 million pounds or...
Sally-Anne Airey
CEO Opinions

Leader, Command Thyself

In an uncertain world, a leader’s most valuable asset is the capacity to face each day with awareness, clarity, and the courage to do the right thing. As a leader, what do you bring to the people you lead? This is a question I often ask senior leaders. Rarely does anyone...
Margot Cairnes
CEO Insights

Is conscious business conscious?

Chat GPT tells us that “conscious business practices, also known as socially responsible or sustainable business practices, are becoming increasingly widespread. Many companies are incorporating environmental, social, and ethical considerations into their business models and decision-making processes. This trend is driven by various factors, including growing consumer awareness, investor interest...
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