Friday, September 27, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insights - Embracing AI in Education: Focusing on Ideas, Not Origins

CEO Insights

Embracing AI in Education: Focusing on Ideas, Not Origins

Lisa Gable

In our rapidly evolving technological landscape, educators are increasingly preoccupied with determining whether a piece of writing was generated by artificial intelligence. While concern is understandable, it may be time to accept that AI-assisted writing is ubiquitous—and that’s not necessarily bad.

Instead of fixating on the origin of the content, shift your focus to the substance of the arguments and the originality of the ideas presented. With the integration of AI tools into writing, educators are not just adapting to a new era. They are empowered to innovate teaching methods, moving to a process demonstrating a student’s verbal, written, and visual skills while driving intellectual growth. By equipping students with critical thinking abilities, you encourage them to query alternative viewpoints, making the learning experience more relevant to the leadership skills needed to navigate a complex world.

Conversations often emphasize the notion that “people are cheating,” but the reality reveals a different picture. Forward-thinking AI advocates are not merely using the technology passively; instead, they harness its power to improve efficiency, productivity, and creativity, inspiring others with their proactive approach.

By encouraging and enabling young people to understand how fun and motivational AI can be, you can cultivate the same sense of a love for lifelong learning. AI, with its ability to provide cost-effective, personalized learning solutions, has the power to democratize education and open pathways to academic success for more people.

AI platforms are particularly beneficial for underrepresented populations, including neurodivergent learners, as the platforms provide access to best-in-class STEM instruction and content that may not be available in all schools. By tailoring educational content through adaptive algorithms, AI improves learning outcomes and promotes diversity and equality in academic settings. It empowers students to articulate their thoughts more effectively through multiple mediums, breaking down learning barriers and fostering a more inclusive learning environment.

Revisiting foundational teaching methods such as the Socratic method is essential to harness AI’s potential in education. While the current educational system often emphasizes memorization and rote learning, AI can reshape it by empowering students to think beyond the confines of the curriculum and cultivate a proactive approach to learning and exploration. By providing comprehensive research and exposure to diverse viewpoints, AI encourages students to move outside the mentality of ‘what do I need to do to pass’ and adopt a self-driven, exploratory approach enriched by a broader array of perspectives. This complements academic rigor and foundational knowledge, elevating learning to new heights and guiding students in crafting and expressing nuanced ideas.

An exemplary case of a “speed skilling learning environment” is the Mia Mission Academy’s first cohort. It includes a diverse range of female professionals—business owners, PhDs, and policy influencers—exploring and pioneering AI applications in their fields and lives. These women are at the forefront of discovering new possibilities and driving progress, demonstrating AI’s role in expanding ideas and fostering continuous intellectual growth. This collaborative exploration secures a place for these women leaders in the marketplace of ideas, showcasing AI not just as a tool but as a partner in creativity and problem-solving.

Embrace using AI as a springboard for human ingenuity. By harnessing its collaborative potential, we can foster an insatiably curious generation that views AI as a tool and a catalyst for exploring new creativity and intellectual growth.

Let students play, create, and then encourage debate—thus better preparing them for future challenges, enabling comparison of current issues with historical contexts, and fostering an intellectually vibrant society through independent thinking and access to diverse information.

Written by Lisa Gable.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insights - Embracing AI in Education: Focusing on Ideas, Not Origins
Lisa Gable
Lisa Gable serves on the External Advisory Board (EAB) for CEOWORLD magazine. She is a CEO, former US Ambassador, UN Delegate, and a best-selling author of "Turnaround: How to Change Course When Things Are Going South" (IdeaPress Publishing, October 5, 2021), which has been featured on Wall Street Journal and USA Today.

Lisa is a renowned global expert in turning around failing organizations and inventing innovative business strategies. She has a track record of over three decades in successfully reviving businesses, teams, non-profit organizations, political campaigns, and government ventures, and resolving complex problems. Through her extensive experience, Lisa has discovered that the most effective method of getting back on track is through the application of process engineering principles, which entails a thorough reassessment of all organizational procedures and practices while maintaining respectful and empathetic relationships and fostering strong partnerships.

You can follow her on LinkedIn. For more information, visit the author’s website.