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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Special Reports - The Role Of The School In Volunteering

Special Reports

The Role Of The School In Volunteering

Volunteering and the role of the school in its promotion are catalytic. Voluntary action is a critical activity that undoubtedly contributes to the citizen’s active participation in various social problems. Through voluntary giving, the individual no longer attempts to be a simple and passive observer. The individual becomes someone who offers, empathizes, and helps their fellow citizens.

Offering to volunteer to the individual

The offer of volunteering to the individual is decisive, especially at a young age. This is why volunteering and the school’s role in “teaching” it to students in all grades is so important. Through this, the person develops social values such as altruism, solidarity, friendship, and cooperation. At the same time, the student can constructively use their free time. They smoothly transition into adulthood, realizing the importance of giving to others. Voluntary activity brings them into contact with new stimuli and a healthy life attitude. The person can acquire new friends, exchange views, learn foreign languages, and meet different cultural elements. Sometimes through volunteering, the individual identifies inclinations and skills they can utilize professionally in the future.

Offering volunteering to society as a whole

Volunteering is an activity that brings a variety of benefits to the community as well. It is a crucial way of intervening in various social problems. Volunteering achieves this since the state cannot entirely settle these problems and help weak groups. Public opinion is actively mobilized to participate in various fields such as environmental, social, cultural, and sports. Due to its diverse offer, volunteering and school have an interrelated relationship and must be part of the educational process.

The role of the school

The school can and should encourage the child and teenagers to do voluntary activities. This will be achieved, initially, by organizing visits to various places where voluntary action is practiced. At the same time, it becomes necessary to inform students about all those organizations that carry out humanitarian work. Such organizations are the Doctors of the World, Action Against Hunger, Consumers International, BEUC, WWF, World Wild Fund for Nature, etc. This way, they will learn in detail about their actions. This can be done through live workshops but also through teleconferences.

 It is also important to inform the students about the activities of NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) as well. These kinds of organizations rely on the voluntary participation of active citizens and offer public work and solutions to address major problems. In the meanwhile, they can often bring students in contact with international programs, which enable young people to be fully employed on a voluntary basis for 2 to 12 months in another country within or outside their country.

Working for a better world

The school that will push the individual to voluntary activity will offer a diverse education related to human rights and environmental and intercultural education. It will contribute decisively to forming integrated individuals who will care to offer a selfless feeling of fullness through this offer. Voluntary action can be an optimistic prospect for a better tomorrow in a world where individualism dominates. Some people say there is no such thing as an entirely selfless did. If that is true, this is because the giver also has some benefits. These are more importantly based on the volunteer’s psychological relief and spiritual upgrade, which are far more important than any materialistic gift.


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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Special Reports - The Role Of The School In Volunteering
Anna Siampani
Anna Siampani, Lifestyle Editorial Director at the CEOWORLD magazine, working with reporters covering the luxury travel, high-end fashion, hospitality, and lifestyle industries. As lifestyle editorial director, Anna oversees CEOWORLD magazine's daily digital editorial operations, editing and writing features, essays, news, and other content, in addition to editing the magazine's cover stories, astrology pages, and more. You can reach Anna by mail at