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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Briefing - Why The Blue Lagoon In Iceland Is A Must-See

CEO Briefing

Why The Blue Lagoon In Iceland Is A Must-See

Iceland, the country where scenes from the Game of Thrones series and other Hollywood productions were filmed, is waiting for you to discover it. The frozen country of the North is the third happiest country in the world. Iceland holds the title of ”author country” since it produces the most authors worldwide. Fantasy in this country excites the author’s appetite to take a pen and a piece of paper and begin to create. The natural beauty, with its wild landscapes, icy waters, and volcanic geothermal lakes, takes the breath away of every traveler visiting Iceland.

Discover the Blue Lagoon

The blue geothermal pool named Blue Lagoon is the most popular. A blue color you’ve never seen before and nowhere. The diamond of the world is waiting for you to visit it. Blue Lagoon is located in the Southwest of Iceland and is a 15-minute drive from Keflavik International Airport. The lake is one of the top destinations in the country. This Scandinavian country is Europe’s second-largest island behind the UK.

The Blue Lagoon of Iceland is not a natural source. The lava that forms the pool and the surrounding area is natural—however, the water results from runoff from the adjacent geothermal power plant. The power plant which was first built in 1976 using the country’s volcanic soil, produced thermal energy. Runoff is filtered directly into the Blue Lagoon, which heats the water. The average temperature reaches around 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

The aquatic paradise of the geothermal lake

According to one legend, a scientist from Iceland who suffered from psoriasis was the first to discover the healing properties of the geothermal lake. When the scientist first swam in the blue waters, she was healed, while the rest of the world thought she was crazy.

Because of its location and its soothing waters, National Geographic calls the Blue Lagoon one of the 25 wonders of the world. Of course, it is a unique outdoor geothermal pool with a distinctive blue color caused by silica and different weather conditions. The lake’s color is transformed into various shades of blue and green.

The lunar landscape of the Enchanted Lake

Silicon dioxide creates a white precipitate. Minerals, together with algae, make up the healing clay at the bottom of the lake. In there, an earthly paradise resort has been created. The resort will take off all the senses of every visitor. The geothermal lake offers a hammam, sauna, waterfall, relaxation areas, bar, and hotel. Warm waters refresh and heal the skin.

This is a resort that you can visit all year long. If you decide to take a trip to Iceland, it is good to have booked before to experience the refreshing experience. Nights near the lake are fantastic. The lake transforms into a serene, dark, almost terrifying atmosphere at night.

Instructions before entering the lake

The re is a hint for the most hesitant travelers who should know. It is mandatory before entering the geothermal pool to use public showers in order to maintain a high level of hygiene standards. It is also important for travelers to know that in Iceland, nudism is common, so people can enter the lake with or without swimming suits.

A journey to a spa of volcanic Earth

A question is born in every reader’s mind: “Is it worth visiting the Blue Lagoon?”. The answer is a big ” yes, it’s worth it.” A unique paradise formed in a strange country with special and, at the same time, relaxed inhabitants—a unique breathtaking experience. Iceland has the privilege of offering a plethora of natural hot springs. Still, there is no other like the Blue Lagoon. A picture of it will convince you not to exclude it from your travel map. Unique in the world, an unreal lake is ready to welcome any visitor who wants to live the experience. Swim in its warm waters and overlook the lunar landscape.


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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Briefing - Why The Blue Lagoon In Iceland Is A Must-See
Anna Siampani
Anna Siampani, Lifestyle Editorial Director at the CEOWORLD magazine, working with reporters covering the luxury travel, high-end fashion, hospitality, and lifestyle industries. As lifestyle editorial director, Anna oversees CEOWORLD magazine's daily digital editorial operations, editing and writing features, essays, news, and other content, in addition to editing the magazine's cover stories, astrology pages, and more. You can reach Anna by mail at