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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Tech and Innovation - Top 4 Principles On Building Your Store

Banking and FinanceTech and Innovation

Top 4 Principles On Building Your Store

Customers’ psychology is unpredictable, and regardless of how they appear when they enter a store, you can never be sure of their intentions. However, there are many things a salesman can do to affect their choices. Today I will talk about the basic principles that govern marketing when it comes to stores and online businesses.

  1. Decoration in all its forms 

    The place’s nice atmosphere will attract the clients and convince them to spend more time in the shop. In soccer, a rule says that the team that keeps the ball the most is more likely to score. Similarly, the same rule applies to sales.
    The more you manage to keep a customer focusing on your products and being in your store or page on the web, the more chances they have to buy something from you. Of course, there are always exceptions, but this is the general mentality.
    Sites should have vivid colors and a nice outline. In stores, flowers, a friendly, discrete, and large, clean space will always make a good impression. 

  2. Location 

    The closer your store is to the downtown, the more chances you have for people to see it and finally enter. In addition, not all crowded places have the same value. One of the things that many businessmen seem to underestimate is the value of the ”neighborhood.” When we talk about the neighborhood, we do not refer to it in the traditional way.
    At this point, we define neighborhood as a particular area with certain things happening there. For example, if your store is to sell shoes, it is essential to build the store in an area that has many shops with shoes. This is because customers often go out to buy something specific and would rather go to an area where all the stores are close to each other than walk throughout the city center.
    Some professionals are afraid of the competition and choose to build their stores where there are no competitors. However, this is a strategy that is hardly ever suggested.
     In the case of online businesses, location is not an issue, but there are things we should take care of, such as where our ads will appear. All sorts of social media should be used, as well as email and notifications. 

  3. The salesman’s contribution and the right advertising 

    A talented salesman is equipped with several traits that will make them thrive in the sales sector. We have all witnessed cases where people were convinced to buy things they did not need, or that did not fit them at all. Being good in sales can be taught, but some people have a certain charisma, which is obvious in every interaction with a client.
    When a physical store is not the case, the role of the salesman has to be covered by proper advertising and customer service. Right service is linked with politeness, alertness, and the ability to create a sense of attention for the customer. The correct structure of the site, as well as a beautiful advertisement, will make the experience vivid and finally manage to attract the client and compensate them for all the hours they spent surfing on the internet to end up on that final page. 

  4. Orientation and how you place your store over the competition 

    Lastly, knowing where you are addressing is necessary to help yourself decide how all these will create a puzzle without missing pieces. It is the target group that will determine the store’s location as well as the products that it will sell.
    Pricing, of course, cannot be left out of the picture, together with your attitude towards the competition. It is quite wise to choose products that will be unique. Still, at the same time, you can have some of the things that most consumers are looking for so that you will not shorten the pool of clients for your shop unless you want to chase the elite of customers that will not sacrifice authenticity over anything else.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Tech and Innovation - Top 4 Principles On Building Your Store
Anna Siampani
Anna Siampani, Lifestyle Editorial Director at the CEOWORLD magazine, working with reporters covering the luxury travel, high-end fashion, hospitality, and lifestyle industries. As lifestyle editorial director, Anna oversees CEOWORLD magazine's daily digital editorial operations, editing and writing features, essays, news, and other content, in addition to editing the magazine's cover stories, astrology pages, and more. You can reach Anna by mail at