Saturday, September 7, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Lifestyle and Travel - 7 Sports For Rich People

Lifestyle and Travel

7 Sports For Rich People

Sports is a fun way to take out all the extra energy and stress of the day. Being rich allows you to focus on yourself and spend some time on things you love. The best part is that you don’t have to choose according to your budget but depending on your needs. Here are the most embraced sports by wealthy people that make their hearts fly.

  1. Golf
    Golf is a beautiful sport that demands perfect control of the moves and concentration. It is a sport in which even elders can perform exceptionally. Since, in many cases, money comes with age, it is no surprise that it is often only the rich that can afford it. In any case, it can benefit you a great deal, plus it is safe for everyone to play, and it does not demand extraordinary physical condition.
  2. Skiing
    We could say that skiing is primarily a winter sport and a mountain sport. It brings people close to nature and allows them to get in touch with the cold weather, something that, in modern society, we seem to avoid a lot. It awakens the body and soul and increases an athlete’s adrenaline and dopamine levels. Ideal for people of all ages but not all budgets.
  3. Equitation and polo
    Horse riding, polo, and generally equitation, or anything that involves horses, is pricey. The main reason is that feeding and maintaining a horse in good condition is costly. Now, because horses are living creatures, buying and riding a horse yourself is better than renting random horses per hour. The bond that will be created is irreplaceable. So horse riding, in most cases, means that you have to own the horse and therefore be prepared to invest a lot of money into it.
  4. Sailing and boating
    Sailing boats and yachts are becoming more and more popular. Especially sailing has been traditionally the sport of the rich. The cost of the boat or renting a boat is high. Meanwhile, unpredictable weather may create problems on the boat, and paying for the equipment is not a piece of cake. Sailing is also the sport of the clever, as some may say. It demands strategy and quick moves as well as alertness.
  5. High-altitude mountain climbing
    Climbing is fun and a perfect fit for tall and thin individuals. However, climbing in mountains of high altitudes can cost a fortune. If, for example, you want to climb Everest in the Himalayas, not only do you have to be in excellent physical condition, but you also have to spend a remarkable budget to join the team. At the same time, the fact that the challenge is so demanding means there is no room for mistakes. Only experienced climbers can attempt these risky missions.
  6. Race car driving
    Car races are exciting, and men absolutely adore them. Driving is a relaxing activity for many people, but those who deal with racing have a completely different point of view. The budget one has to spend for the proper equipment of the car may be extreme. Until you become successful enough to have sponsors supporting your effort financially, you must struggle alone. Unless you are already wealthy, high costs create prohibitive conditions for people to enter the sport.
  7. Big game hunting
    Big game hunting is hunting large animals for meat, special organs, or recreation. Poor people may hunt for survival, but rich people usually spend fortunes to be able to hunt big animals. The sport is not easy, even though you may have the proper equipment. Animals are wild and will not wait for you to catch them. The area that you have to cover is large, and you will probably need a proper vehicle. Professionals will help you understand the procedure that has to be followed and the price will be respectively high. At this point, let us clarify that we only refer to legal hunting. Last but not least, you have to remember that it is also a cruel sport, so if you are not familiar with the process, this may not be the deal for you.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Lifestyle and Travel - 7 Sports For Rich People
Anna Siampani
Anna Siampani, Lifestyle Editorial Director at the CEOWORLD magazine, working with reporters covering the luxury travel, high-end fashion, hospitality, and lifestyle industries. As lifestyle editorial director, Anna oversees CEOWORLD magazine's daily digital editorial operations, editing and writing features, essays, news, and other content, in addition to editing the magazine's cover stories, astrology pages, and more. You can reach Anna by mail at