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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Tech and Innovation - 3 Ways To Measure Brand Awareness Accurately

Tech and Innovation

3 Ways To Measure Brand Awareness Accurately

Brand ambassador professional

The task of measuring brand awareness can break brand managers out in a cold sweat. Some will even dismiss the task by labelling it as too vague a concept to be worthwhile. However, in an era of oversaturated markets, brand awareness is an essential KPI you must track.

But the most important reason to measure brand awareness lies with consumers. A once loyal customer base can now be very fickle. More product/service solutions are available and, in general, people are easily impressionable. You really need to get your brand in the eyes of the consumer – and the right consumer at that. But the only way to know if you are achieving this is if you measure brand awareness.

But is it possible to reliably measure brand awareness?

Yes it is. Read on to discover three effective strategies which will allow you to measure brand awareness accurately.

Brand Tracking Software

The best option on the market for measuring brand awareness accurately is brand tracking software. Not only can a brand tracker measure the impact your current campaigns are having on your brand awareness, this data can also help you find new audiences that are not yet aware of your brand, plus measure how competitors are performing for brand awareness with the audiences and markets that matter most to you.

Truth be told, brand tracking software is the only option for measuring brand awareness that isn’t skewed by other elements – but only if you choose the right tracker. That means choosing a tracker that:

  • Has a low margin of error
  • Allows you to measure brand awareness for your target audience
  • Can detect real-world changes
  • Allows you to measure competition

Of course, quality comes with a price. If you don’t have much budget to work with currently, check out the other options below.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool that provides data you can use to measure brand awareness. Say, for instance, you run a billboard campaign in the month of September. By measuring to see if your clicks and impressions on Search Console are going up during September, you can attribute an increase in brand awareness to the campaign. Usually, if these offline campaigns are boosting your brand awareness, you will see an increase in SEO performance as well.

Google recommends that you specifically measure impressions when running brand awareness campaigns. Impressions are a much better indicator of how many people actually saw your campaign. They also recommend creating a cost-per-thousand-impressions campaign so you will pay based on impressions rather than clicks.‍

One great bonus of Search Console is that it provides data for brand searches just one day after, so you can also measure how brand awareness increases by keeping an eye on direct search.


If you are looking for something in between brand tracking software and Google Search Console, surveys are your answer.

There’s no better way to measure brand awareness than by going straight to the source – your target audience. Flexibility is one of the key elements of surveys, meaning you can send them to a specific demographic, get their emails,  ask specific questions, and they can be run online or offline.

However, to get the best measurement possible, you really need to have a clear brand strategy in place before sending out your surveys. Make sure you get all stakeholders involved in a room beforehand and ensure your survey checks the following boxes:

  • A defined list of participants
  • The survey is easily understandable and a reasonable length so as to encourage completions
  • A mobile responsive interface, again to encourage completions

Anything below these standards will not allow you to measure brand awareness accurately.

Final Thoughts

Measuring brand awareness accurately may not be the wild goose chase you originally thought. There are a number of wonderful tools on the market that can help you gather reliable data. Take the time to go through each option and determine which works best for you and, most importantly, which will provide quality data to ensure a scalable marketing plan. The last thing you want is to make marketing decisions based on inaccurate insights!

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Tech and Innovation - 3 Ways To Measure Brand Awareness Accurately
Sophie Ireland
Sophie is currently serving as a Senior Economist at CEOWORLD magazine's Global Unit. She started her career as a Young Professional at CEOWORLD magazine in 2010 and has since worked as an economist in three different regions, namely Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, East Asia, and the Pacific. Her research interests primarily revolve around the topics of economic growth, labor policy, migration, inequality, and demographics. In her current role, she is responsible for monitoring macroeconomic conditions and working on subjects related to macroeconomics, fiscal policy, international trade, and finance. Prior to this, she worked with multiple local and global financial institutions, gaining extensive experience in the fields of economic research and financial analysis.

Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or connect on LinkedIn. Email her at