Thursday, June 27, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - Why We Need Heart-centred Leaders

CEO Advisory

Why We Need Heart-centred Leaders

Heart-centred leaders are our greatest hope for business and humanity and we need them now more than ever. Their focus is service to others as to service to self (ego). Heart centred leaders, do what is best for others, their staff, partners, suppliers and clients, for the greater good and for themselves in that order.  Not for ambition, fame or celebrity. They know deep down, that if they make a big enough impact in our world, that they will have completed their life’s mission. Heart centred leaders know in their heart of hearts, that it is truly better to give then receive and they demonstrate this way of being daily in all that they do.

Heart-centred leaders come from love. Not any kind of love but a very special and universal love. The greatest love of all. Unconditional love. Love with out conditions. Not one. Imagine leading your own life and business in a heart based way at this level of truth with the highest possible standards. Albert Einstein said that love was more important then his discovery of the laws of relativity.

It takes aspiration, consistency and practice to maintain being a heart-centred leader. It is about being grounded in reality and passionate about what vision, priorities and goals can really be achieved by you and your team in a loving and supportive way.

It is about being the (best version of yourself) so you can hold a space for others to be true to themselves to achieve even greater results then ever dreamed possible. A deeper level of empathy for others and personal understanding and support. It’s holding a space. Being a heart centred leader is available to all of us. Whether you are a student, a single mother or father, an entrepreneur, business owner, intrapreneur or global leader.

We need heart based leaders now more than ever. You can start right now to becoming a heart centred leader. Start feeling love in your heart. The kind of love a parent has for a child for yourself. The love for someone special or even an animal. An unconditional love with out ego.

Being heart centred, is a great feeling and an even bigger responsibility. Being heart centred changes everything. It doesn’t mean you are necessary going to get results you are aiming for straight away and you shouldn’t expect that. Being a heart centred leader is focusing on the process (the journey) as to the outcome.

As you become more of a heart based leader, more people, more opportunities, partnerships will be draw to you, your openness, empathy and genuine interest in making an impact in the lives of others. Conversely, other people will be confronted by you and less true (false) opportunities will now fall away. Your values, your truth and your morality and the culture you are creating will be more refined and tested. Remember gold is forged in fire.

One of my entrepreneur clients went from being a small subcontractor to having a mid size project management company. When we first started to work together, he was an engineer (a good guy) and very practical. As he developed his heart based leadership of himself and then his staff, his team and business grew greatly. Over the years we have worked together, he now chooses clients that are more aligned to his ethics and values as to just a financial transaction and at times feeling owned by the client.

As you become more heart based, you will become more loving (respectful) not only towards others, but towards yourself. That is, any relationship you have personally or professionally that is co-dependant, (even toxic) will come up to the surface and be more clear to see. It is the longer game a life game.

Being a heart centred leader takes real courage. As you know, knowing what to do makes no difference. Courage is not the absence of fear but how you show up when you are challenged at your level of truth.

Another client had a difficult relationship and planned to get married. As we worked together he focused more on being heart based, in his truth (by loving himself) he cancelled the wedding. Becoming truly heart based can create some life changing decisions. My client now has never been happier and his business is thriving and making a bigger impact in his industry than he could of ever imagined.

The heart based leaders goal is to leave the world, their industry, their business, a better place, a more connected (loving) place than ever before. They act to the betterment of all and nothing else. It is all or nothing for the heart based leader. A heart based world or bust.

A heart centred leader knows that personal success and fulfilment is not the goal but the bi product of supporting and making leaders in their organisations make a bigger impact in the world then they ever dreamed possible.

Heart centred leaders are few and far between. They should be treasured, nurtured and honoured. The world today will not survive with out heart centred leaders. For us not only to survive but to thrive, we require these outstanding young and old, men and women to lead us into the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century and beyond.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - Why We Need Heart-centred Leaders
Craigh Wilson
Craigh Wilson is an experienced intuitive with over 30 years’ experience. A sought-after author, intuitive, mentor and international key note speaker and media contributor, he offers smart, realistic and powerful transformational solutions to business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders of Fortune 500 companies in over 110 countries around the world. Craigh Wilson is an opinion columnist for the CEOWORLD magazine.