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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Agenda - 10 Reasons Why A Business Owner Should Get Dedicated Server Hosting

CEO Agenda

10 Reasons Why A Business Owner Should Get Dedicated Server Hosting

Dedicated Web Hosting Datacenter

Congratulation! Your shinny new website is ready to be deployed but where will you host it? Which web hosting service provider will you choose? Which web hosting package would you go for? Will you go for shared hosting or dedicated hosting? There are a lot of questions that needs to be answered before your website is up and running.

Most small and mid size businesses opt for shared hosting due to budget constraints but they end up paying a hefty price for it in terms of their website user experience. On the other hand, most large scale businesses can enjoy the perks of dedicated server hosting because they can afford it.

In this article, you will learn about ten reasons why a business owner should go for dedicated server hosting.

  1. Reliability
    You want your website to stay up and running at all times but this won’t happen when you get shared hosting. As resources are shared, this means that problems with other people’s website who is sharing the same server as you do can impact your website as well. This leads to downtime and make your website inaccessible to users. This might not seem like a big deal but it is if you have an E-commerce store where an hour of downtime can cost you thousands of dollars in terms of sales and revenue. Thankfully, this problem does not exist with dedicated server hosting as your website is the only one which is hosted on the server.
  2. Security
    Imagine a scenario. Your neighbor has a door that leads to your home and they have left it open. Due to this, thieves enter into your house and looted everything they could get their hands on. How would you feel? Bad, right. The same thing can happen when you choose a shared hosting plan. If one site hosted on the server is infected, others might also be at risk. Even a poorly configured application of other business could led to your website demise.
    In a dedicated server environment, your business and hosting provider has access to the server which makes it less vulnerable to cyber security issues. Hosting provider also implements physical security measures such as biometric authentication, surveillance cameras and armed guards to ensure its safety.
  3. Performance
    When it comes to performance, dedicated hosting has a clear edge over its competitors. With all the resources such as storage, bandwidth and processing power dedicated for your website, you get the blazing fast performance and delivers a buttery smooth user experience to your website visitors. You don’t have to worry about performance issues with dedicated servers as no one else is hogging the resources. In shared hosting, if one of the tenant can run a resource hungry application, it will bring other applications down to its knees. That does not happen in a dedicated hosting setup.
  4. More Control over Applications
    Unlike shared hosting, you are free to choose applications and tools you want to use in dedicated hosting. Make sure to check the application is permitted by the hosting provider. You can enjoy complete control over your application and manage access as well. Dedicated hosting users don’t have to wait for the hosting provider to buy new application and make them available to users. In fact, you can also decide on which operating system you want to run on the server. You can either go for Windows or Linux depending on your needs.
  5. Disaster Recovery
    If you are going for dedicated hosting for your business, make sure to ask the web hosting provider, where there servers are located? In most cases, they are located in safe, fortress like buildings that are situated in regions with lowest natural disaster probability. Server rooms are usually mounted on shock absorber that can prevent damage caused by earthquakes. Even if they are affected by any kind of disaster, frequent remote backups can save your day and restore all your data in no time.
  6. Cost Savings
    Buying a dedicated hosting plan might cost you much more as compared to shared hosting but the security and performance offered by dedicated hosting makes up for the higher cost. More importantly, you can also save up on maintenance cost as it is managed by hosting provider. That is not all, they are responsible for maintaining connectivity, hardware maintenance, installing operating system patches and updates and much more. You don’t have to pay for cooling, heating, lighting and other utility charges. Since everything is managed at hosting provider end, you don’t have to hire system administrator and other IT staff to manage everything. When you factor in all these costs, you will realize that it is worth the higher initial cost you pay for dedicated hosting.
  7. Scalability
    In today’s rapidly evolving business world, business needs changes quickly. Thankfully, dedicated hosting plans allows you the liberty to scale up your resources based on your business needs. You cannot enjoy this facility when you are locked into a shared hosting plan. With resources dedicated for your website and ability to acquire more resources, you can easily manage increasing business demands, sudden spike in traffic and much more.
  8. Unique IP Address
    With each server having its own IP address, you get a unique IP address for your business if you go for dedicated hosting. Unfortunately, that is not the case with shared hosting, as all the websites sharing the server will have the same IP address. Even worse, if one of the website on the server is spammy, it can also negatively impact your website’s search rankings.
  9. Customization Options
    You can custom configure the server in many different ways and choose the blend of hardware and software you need. Whether it is adding more RAM, getting a CPU with more cores or higher clock speed or throwing in a spacious hard drive into the mix, you can do all that with dedicated hosting. You don’t have to bear long downtimes either for this process to complete.
  10. Better Support
    Depending on the web hosting provider you choose, you will get round the clock customer support and on premise support. With dedicated hosting plans being more expensive than other options, hosting providers offer much better support for them.  You can contact your hosting provider via phone, email, live chat etc and get your problem fixed. They can also help you with troubleshooting.

Which is the biggest reason that convinced you to get dedicated server hosting?

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Agenda - 10 Reasons Why A Business Owner Should Get Dedicated Server Hosting
Anna Papadopoulos
Anna Papadopoulos is a senior money, wealth, and asset management reporter at CEOWORLD magazine, covering consumer issues, investing and financial communities + author of the CEOWORLD magazine newsletter, writing about money with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind. You can follow CEOWORLD magazine on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or connect on LinkedIn for musings on money, wealth, asset management, millionaires, and billionaires. Email her at