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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Stats Gate - What Neil Patel Teaches to Help His Digital Agency Outperform the Competition

Stats Gate

What Neil Patel Teaches to Help His Digital Agency Outperform the Competition


Judging by the number of glowing Neil Patel reviews, it’s no surprise that he’s one of the most successful figures in the marketing world. But how does Neil do such a stellar job of cultivating a personal brand that exudes digital marketing mastery?

How does his Neil Patel Digital agency consistently rank with the best, in terms of both execution and perception? What can we, as business founders and CEOs, learn from Patel’s strategies? I’ll try to answer these questions in this article.

As an interested third party with zero insider access to Patel’s operation, I can’t tell you how he really does it. But I can use the information he shares in his courses and consulting sessions to understand the tactics he probably employs himself.

You can use these insights to steer your company in the right direction and lead it to new heights.

He Dissects His Competition:  Neil Patel emphasizes the importance of competitor intelligence. You need to know who and what you’re up against before trying to make a mark in the industry.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Who is my competition?
  • What are they tackling?
  • What tactics are they employing?
  • How well are they doing?

Answering these questions is paramount in any space but especially digital marketing, because your goal is to be more visible online than your competition. And you can’t outperform anything without establishing a baseline understanding of exactly what they’re up to.

To do this, Neil recommends you use a bunch of different tools. Some of these include SpyFu, SEMRush and Buzzsumo. He emphasizes how each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses – you won’t find a one-size-fits-all solution.

Tinker around with these tools and analyze what keywords your competitors rank for, what kind of content they churn out, how they built their landing pages – everything!

Only after thoroughly analyzing your competition can you proceed to develop your own strategies and processes. If you skip this step, you won’t have a blueprint to follow and a baseline to measure up against.

He’s Got An Efficient Conversion Process In Place: If you want your company to succeed, you need your conversion process firing on all cylinders. Unsurprisingly, Neil Patel has this process down to a tee. From crafting a compelling copy to creating lead magnets, he’s an expert on loads of lead generation ideas.

You don’t have to be an expert in each part of the conversion process. For example, you might be best off hiring a PPC agency to handle feeding the top of your funnel. You just have to ensure it all runs smoothly. Get the right safeguards in place, and you’ll have a streamlined conversion process in place.

According to Patel, the most important thing for a smooth conversion process is keeping your marketing and sales teams on the same wavelength. To maximize your conversions, you need both these teams working together. Your marketing team can use data insights from your CRM to identify your top clients from a sales perspective, and then drill down into the marketing metrics to measure what assets your best prospects are interacting with most.

  • Have they downloaded an ebook?
  • Have they viewed a product video?
  • Have they signed up for a free trial?

The kind of content a prospect interacts with is a great indicator of which stage in the buyer’s journey they’re in. Your marketing team can then double down on creating these sales enablement-optimized touchpoints.

They can also convey this information to your sales team for more productive sales meetings. With an effective lead scoring system in place, your sales team will only reach out to prospects who are ready to for a sales pitch. Armed with data insights on each lead, they can structure their pitches to suit what interests specific prospects.

It’s a great way to ensure that your conversion process is running smoothly and you have a constant stream of qualified targets to reach out to.

He Has A Strong Partner Network: Another thing that Neil emphasizes is building partnerships. Your business can only go so far on its own. At some point, you’re going to have to team up and build relationships with other companies to progress further.

His business has greatly benefited from a robust and extensive partner network. Yours can too. You just need to follow the right steps.

  • Step 1 – Define the Reason
    Before reaching out to partners, you need to crystalize what your desired outcome looks like. Is it to partner over a product? Is it to build your user base? Is it for affiliate links? Define the purpose of your partnerships before moving forward.
  • Step 2 – Identify the Right Partners
    Now that you’ve defined your purpose, it’s down to finding the right partners. Decide on the kind of company you want to reach out to – bootstrapped startup, VC-backed firm, medium-sized company, players with certain value propositions, etc.
  • Step 3 – Reach Out
    Once you have a list of prospects to reach out to, use various mediums to reach out to them. Each company may prefer a different platform for contacts such as calls, video or emails; be prepared to adjust to their preferences.

When interacting with them for the first time, you want to convey four things :

  • Introduce yourself
  • Describe how you want the partnership to be structured
  • Explain what’s in it for them
  • Suggest the next steps, including a call to action

What Would Neil Patel Do?

Patel has been a thought leader in digital marketing since the early days of SEO and social media, and his influence continues to grow. As business leaders, there’s a great deal we can learn from him and incorporate into our own marketing programs.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Stats Gate - What Neil Patel Teaches to Help His Digital Agency Outperform the Competition
Alexandra Dimitropoulou

Alexandra Dimitropoulou

VP and News Editor
Alexandra Dimitropoulou is a VP and News Editor at CEOWORLD magazine, working to build and strengthen the brand’s popular, consumer-friendly content. In addition to running the company’s website, CEOWORLD magazine, which aims to help CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, and other C-level executives get smarter about how they earn, save and spend their money, she also sits on the Board of Directors of the Global Business Policy Institute. She can be reached on email You can follow her on Twitter at @ceoworld.