Saturday, July 27, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Lifestyle and Travel - 5 Fitness Tricks to Motivate You

Lifestyle and Travel

5 Fitness Tricks to Motivate You

My goal in life is to be self-motivated to work out – says a lot about my life, doesn’t it? – But hey, I am not one of those people who wake up craving the gym. I love how it feels after a tough workout and so I –low-key – look forward to sessions but only after I have aced one.

So, in the spirit of wanting to make this a lifestyle, I have come up with some ways to get my mind psyched about hitting the gym.

  • Get Some Fancy Gear

I am the corporate type and so I hardly get the chance to dress casually I love athleisure and so whenever I get the chance to show off new gear, I go all out! Lovely gym gear will instantly get you in the mood and motivate you to get up and go. On days when you are not feeling it, just get dressed and have a goof look at the mirror. Instant morale booster, I tell you!

  • Consistently Stalk your Role Model

Instagram has turned us all into effective stalkers and I am not complaining. I have a list of fitness models that I look up to and since they are all so good at posting their workouts, I have no choice but to get off the couch and get my dose of workout. After offering notary signing services all day, I get on my phone to see what my ‘community’ has been up to all day. The fact that they never miss a Monday yet they have my dream body is usually enough to motivate me.

  • Remind Yourself why You Started

Why did you decide to get fit in the first place? Have you hit your target thus far? If you had a goal at the beginning, it would be wrong to quit before you accomplish it, wouldn’t it? Also, ask yourself how you will feel for skipping the day’s workout. I get all guilty for not doing what I should have, which is a really bad feeling.

  • Sign up For Classes

I joined this cross fit class that has daily workouts – I am a sucker for variety. The classes are usually different every day and just between you and me, they are really tough. They test your faith in yourself, your sanity, and resilience – all under two hours. If you are like me, you will cuss, almost cry, pant and be a mess, but you will finish and you will be super proud of yourself. These classes have tested my strength and ability to do a lot, and at it increased my endurance.

  • Keep a Journal

Take sweaty photos of yourself after a workout and write how each workout made you feel. You don’t need to post any of it on social media – unless you want to – but just keep it to motivate you on days when you need a little pep talk.

Some people love working out with accountability partners – not me – and that works well for motivation. In choosing your team, you want to be with a like-minded people, those that want the same thing as you, and who will keep you on your toes.

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# America’s Top 100 Universities In Research And Development Spending In 2017. (US)

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Lifestyle and Travel - 5 Fitness Tricks to Motivate You
Anna Papadopoulos
Anna Papadopoulos is a senior money, wealth, and asset management reporter at CEOWORLD magazine, covering consumer issues, investing and financial communities + author of the CEOWORLD magazine newsletter, writing about money with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind. You can follow CEOWORLD magazine on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or connect on LinkedIn for musings on money, wealth, asset management, millionaires, and billionaires. Email her at