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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Education and Career - How To Create A Successful Digital Marketing Campaign

Education and Career

How To Create A Successful Digital Marketing Campaign

Currently, it is not an issue of if your business needs digital marketing for the promotion of its goods and services, rather it is a question of what marketing strategies can best be adopted. Millions of people each day visit different digital platforms to communicate with friends, do business, get information or to just relax. Since marketing is about reaching customers and potential customers in the right place, it is then apt for anyone to adopt this form of marketing to promote their business.

There are so many advantages of internet marketing over the traditional form, some of these advantages include the ease of use, cost savings, flexibility, easy to measure, global reach etc. Due to the ease of setting up an online marketing campaign as compared to a traditional campaign, many people are quick to set up accounts on digital platforms for the promotion of their business, particularly on social media. While this is good, there are still a couple of things that should be kept in mind if you wish to have a successful campaign.

Below are 10 rules guiding digital marketing:

  1. Stay Focused:

Except you are a big company with very deep pocket, such that you can afford to employ digital marketing agencies to handle every form of online marketing for you, then it is advisable to focus on online marketing options that you have the most strength in. Investing in multiple online marketing will stretch you thin and cost you more than you bargain for. In the end, you will have digital channels that are redundant, and just gathering dust.

As a small business, you can choose two to three forms of internet marketing options, for example, social media marketing, content and Google Adwords. A medium-sized company can try all of the aforementioned options and still adopt a more comprehensive SEO technique.

The idea is to pick a few digital marketing services and be strong in it, giving your customers what they want, when they want it.

  1. Choose the Right Channel:

This point goes in tandem with the first, the type of online marketing option you choose should be dependent on your target audience and the type of goods or services that you are promoting. Take, for instance, your company produces cosmetic products or weight loss products. This niche is a highly visual one, hence for its marketing more attention should be placed on options that support visuals, e.g. Instagram, Pinterest.

  1. Use Original and Relevant Content:

Online, content is king. Content marketing is essential for every form of business, be it big or small. To have a successful internet marketing campaign you must get in the habit of posting original and relevant contents. Don’t get lost in always trying to sell your goods or promoting your service, learn to give something back to the audience. Your content should be unique and valuable so that it can be ranked higher on Google search. Your content must be relevant, it must answer a question, or solve a problem or bring about an improvement in something.

  1. Know Your Competitors:

Regardless of what your company is offering, there are other businesses that are offering exactly the same thing or at least something similar. To be successful in online marketing, it is important that you know your competitors. Do your research and know what your competitors are offering, what makes their products better or worse than yours. This knowledge will help you rebrand and repackage your offering. You can use your competitor’s strength or weakness to your advantage.

  1. Know Your Audience:

Different audience on different online platforms responds differently to information. To have a successful campaign you must know exactly what makes your audience tick, you must aim for engagement and conversations on your channels. If you have a mobile app development company with a channel that shares tips on mobile hacks and also on How-to tutorials. If you notice greater engagement on the tutorials, then it is only apt to focus more on this than the hack tips.

  1. Don’t Spam:

To build followers, some companies indulge in the act of buying them. This is a very wrong practice as sending emails or sharing information with these people constitute an act of spamming. Although number is important in online marketing, it is better to have 100 active and responsive followers than to have 1000 dormant ones. Promotional messages and every other form of business message should be received by consent.

  1. Don’t Ignore the Experts:

Although it is comparatively easier to employ digital marketing in the promotion of goods and services as compared to traditional marketing, it is still important to employ the services of experts or at least learn from them. It is a misconception to conclude that online marketing is overly simple and all it takes is just opening an account and uploading contents. That’s just wrong. There are people who eat, sleep and breathe internet marketing. They know all the tricks and tweaks that can lead to a successful campaign. You can learn a thing or two from them.

  1. Interaction is Important:

Interaction is important, never, ever, ignore your followers. Whenever the opportunity presents itself learn to interact with your customers and potential customers. Use less automatization. It makes people feel important when you make out time and avenue to talk with them, answering their questions and putting to rest their fears.

  1. Feed your Audience Regularly:

In order to stay relevant, you have to feed your audience regularly with the latest updates. Hold their attention. Whatever you are offering, there are probably one or two or even more companies offering the exact same thing or something similar. You can’t afford to let the attention of your audience slip from you to your competitor. Feed them regularly with information that would hold them down.

  1. Use Mobile Friendly Content:

Majority of internet users use their smartphones to surf the web more often than they do with their laptops or desktops. Therefore, it is important that whatever digital marketing option you adopt should render properly on mobile devices.

The bottom line is, digital marketing can be very effective in the promotion of a business, but if it is handled carelessly it won’t give the desired effect. It is also worthy of note that online marketing doesn’t always give an instant result, a very good example is Search Engine Optimization. You will need a lot of patience and devotion to achieve good results.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Education and Career - How To Create A Successful Digital Marketing Campaign
Harnil Oza
Harnil Oza is the founder and CEO of Hyperlink Infosystem, a mobile app development company with the best team of app developers India. Being the founder of the company, he takes care of business development activities and maintains relations with clients.