CEOWORLD magazine

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Dr. Manoj Joshi

Dr. Manoj Joshi

Dr. Manoj Joshi is a Professor of Strategy, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship; Advisor- at Chandigarh University Uttar Pradesh; Patron of the UNESCO Chair on ODL; Professor extraordinarius, UNISA; visiting professor at IIIT Lucknow. He has authored 5 books: “The VUCA Company," “The VUCA Learner," “VUCA in Start-ups," “Business Incubators,” and “Unleashing Innovation and Leadership." A Chartered & Fellow Engineer; Erstwhile Director Centre for VUCA Studies & Dy. Dean Research (Mgmt. and Social Sci.) at a leading private University. Editorial Board with journals JFBM, ISBA, APJM, JSBM, BSE, JEEE, WREMED etc. 150+ publications. Travelled extensively, 34+ years of experience areas: screw pump Design, Heat Exchangers, Loading Arms, consulting, research, and teaching on VUCA strategy, weak signals, anticipatory mechanics, and crafting foresight; interest in dark matter, dark energy, astral travel, travelling to the woods, and life after death."

Dr. Manoj Joshi is an opinion columnist and Executive Council member at the CEOWORLD magazine. You can follow him on LinkedIn.
CEO Lifestyle

Eagles fly with eagles: Insights on Strategic foresightedness of Indian Women Entrepreneurs and CEO’s

Do eagles fly with eagles? It is important to set competitive circumstances for studying processes leading to foresight building. It is not only picking the right strategy but the timing too.  The ability to soar above the apparent confusion and spot the developments that set the trend is all that...
CEO Perspectives

Redesigning an asymmetric organization undergoing survival imbroglio

CEO’s need to study weak signals, anticipate and translate into a foresight, manoeuvring the survival imbroglio. VUCA has several forms, some ‘expected-known-unknown’ to the extreme version ‘unexpected-unknown-unknown’. Which category does your business fall into? Have you dissected the asymmetricity in your organization? We were inspired from selected seminal papers, ground...
CEO Perspectives

The Champions’ Curse: Losing foresight

Champions’ are cursed!! Opine others when a champion falter? What went wrong? Was it lackadaisical in future readiness or an organizational learning or both or did they lack the strategic foresight altogether? What unique management lessons can be culled out from these ‘champions’ curse’ for CEO’s? Kodak: This ground-breaking photography-based...
CEO Spotlight

CEO Spotlight: Sachin Bansal Chief Explorer®, India City Walks on Experiential Delivery in Tourism (EDIT)™Supporting communities in Travel

Dr. Sachin Bansal, Chief Explorer of India City Walks (ICW®) is a creative and passionate entrepreneur in the tourism industry. He is recognized as the pioneer in the curation & delivery of city sightseeing products. His incubation platform SUSTAINABLE ACHIEVEMENTS CHAMPIONING HERITAGE INDUCED NETWORK™ creates regeneration of the tourism economy....
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