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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Spotlight - CEO Spotlight: Greg Ward’s Journey of Faith and Growth in Scaling the Ward Law Group

CEO Spotlight

CEO Spotlight: Greg Ward’s Journey of Faith and Growth in Scaling the Ward Law Group

Greg Ward

In the bustling world of entrepreneurship, where failures and triumphs often walk hand-in-hand, few stories shine as bright as that of Greg Ward, the visionary CEO of Ward Law Group. With over two decades of legal expertise, Ward has leveraged his transformational leadership approach to scale his firm from a small firm to a colossal force in personal injury law. When you learn more about his insights on scaling a business, it is clear that his journey is not just about strategies but rather it’s about faith, perseverance, and an unwavering commitment to service.

Greg Ward’s journey to become co-founder of Ward Law Group is a testament to resilience. He has faced and conquered adversity, making his journey all the more inspiring. The Ward Law Group was founded in a time of deep personal loss, financial strain, and professional challenges.  During this time, Ward found solace and strength in his Christian faith when he had a spiritual encounter that changed his life. He then focused on his core values at his lowest moment and built his business upon them.

“I had hit rock bottom. Over $200,000 in debt, sleeping on a couch, I couldn’t afford a bed, the devastation of a contentious divorce, a mortgage in default, losing my father and sister in rapid succession after battles with cancer and multiple failing businesses.  But that’s when faith became a lamp to me. It was my cornerstone.  When you are sleeping on a couch, you can either pull yourself up or give yourself up.”

Ward found clarity in his faith and values in the face of despair. With determination and resilience, he set about rebuilding his business, each decision anchored in his core principles. Radical commitment to service emerged as the guiding light among values such as faith, accountability, leadership, and loyalty. Using this bedrock, setting a path for Ward Law Group’s journey toward growth and scale.

Customer Service: Putting Clients First

Businesses don’t exist without people, both the people who keep it running and the people who turn to that business to meet their needs. Ward is keenly aware of this and has been instrumental in taking a people-over-quick profit approach to every interaction at The Ward Law Group. 

“Lawyers often get a bad rap of prioritizing profits over people and being cold and uncaring,” Ward notes. “We’re trying to change that perception at The Ward Law Group. Instead, we strive to champion people during some of their darkest times and serve as compassionate advocates for them and their needs, not just someone who is a legal expert.  When I started focusing on service instead of revenue, that’s when things really turned around for me.”

This compassionate approach to law and customer service is embedded in the founding of The Ward Law Group, which focuses much of its business on serving clients whose first language isn’t English and who may be unfamiliar with navigating the US legal system. 

“While it may sound cliché, I went into the legal field to be able to truly help people, and that helping nature is embedded into everything we do at The Ward Law Group,” says Ward. “We believe in getting to know our clients and really understanding their needs and life circumstances so we can not only help them with their immediate needs, but any future assistance they may need, too.  Everyone has a story.  Many of our clients are immigrants or children of immigrants.  Often they are distrustful of our legal system.” 

Ward also credits his strong faith as a driving value behind his customer service philosophy. “Faith can move mountains, and that has been evident in my story,” says Ward. “But my faith also means I take a servant-mindset into everything I do. It’s important to me to serve others with my gifts and see myself as a steward of God’s grace through every interaction I have with our clients and the firm’s team.”

This people-centric, faith-based approach is also evident in the charitable work that Ward is engaged in both personally and through The Ward Law Group, including backpack and food drives for needy children and families. Ward also supports churches in the US as well as churches, orphanages and schools in Latin and South America.  It’s this caring approach that has garnered Ward and The Ward Law group positive reviews from clients and recognition as a real change maker first in Florida and beyond.  

Automating Processes: Streamlining Operations

In our exclusive interview with Ward, he opens up about the catalyst behind Ward Law Group’s rapid expansion.  “Scaling isn’t just about numbers. It’s about ensuring that every process is optimized and aligned with your core values,” he explains. Developing and automating processes where possible played a pivotal role in this alignment.

Ward emphasizes the importance of choosing the right tools and establishing streamlined procedures. These automated workflows not only save time but also promote consistency and accuracy. He believes that investing in staff training is as vital as selecting the right tools.  “Enable your team to maximize the power of technology and automation. We’ve spent millions of dollars on research and software.  It’s an investment that pays off a hundredfold,” he advises.

Leveraging Technology: A Competitive Edge

For Ward Law Group, technology is more than a tool – it’s a growth engine. Ward shares, “We harnessed technology not just to stay relevant but to surge ahead. It’s about using data analytics, collaboration tools, and cloud solutions to supercharge our efficiency.”

Cloud-based platforms like Salesforce and Microsoft Teams have revolutionized internal communication, breaking geographical barriers and fostering real-time collaboration. On the other hand, data analytics has empowered The Ward Law Group to make strategic decisions rooted in insights. “Technology empowers us to stay agile and informed,” Ward affirms.  The risk with systems and processes is you can become extremely efficient but brittle.  We saw this with the supply chains during Covid.  You have to strike a balance between the two. 

Outsourcing: Unleashing Potential

Outsourcing non-core tasks is a strategy that The Ward Law Group effectively employs. “Scaling demands focus. By outsourcing tasks that don’t require our core expertise, we unlock time and talent for client-focused activities,” says Ward.

From administrative tasks to non-client interactions, outsourcing has streamlined operations while enhancing the customer experience. This approach isn’t just about cost-saving; it’s about freeing up resources for innovation and growth.

Core Values: Guiding Stars

Greg Ward’s journey isn’t just about scaling a business; it’s about cultivating a culture of value-driven success. “Our core values aren’t just words on paper. They’re the compass that guides every decision,” he emphasizes. These values aren’t just a tagline – they’re the DNA of Ward Law Group. “When challenges arise, it’s these values that keep us grounded and inspire us to push forward,” Ward reflects. This values-centric approach isn’t just a strategy; it’s a legacy in the making.

A Call to Action: Inspiring Growth

As Greg Ward’s story illuminates, scaling a business isn’t a journey of convenience; it’s a commitment to growth, sometimes against all odds.  Ward jokes, “when my wife and I founded this business, together we were $460,000 in debt, I had multiple failed businesses under my belt and a whole string of personal tragedies.  Who would have backed that business?  Fortunately God did, and we owe Him the credit.”  But it’s about taking adversity and transforming it into fuel for success. Ward says now “we now have over 200 employees, growing revenue and profit, we multiple offices in Miami, Orlando and New York.”  With unwavering faith and values as his compass, Ward’s trajectory has transcended limitations.

Ward’s story provides valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs. It’s an opportunity to reflect on the strategies he shares, from automation to technology integration and outsourcing. But delving deeper into the essence of his story is also important – the triumph of faith, the resilience in the face of adversity, and the power of core values.

In the next week, challenge yourself to embrace at least one action step Ward has inspired you to take. It could be automating a process that’s been a bottleneck, integrating a technology that boosts your team’s efficiency, or exploring outsourcing to free up your core talent. Remember, growth doesn’t come from the convenience zone; it’s born from audacity and fueled by values.

Greg Ward’s story serves as an important reminder for those in the CEO world, where every decision reverberates across industries. It’s a reminder that growth isn’t just about numbers; it’s about a commitment to excellence, a steadfast embrace of values, and an unwavering faith for the journey ahead.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Spotlight - CEO Spotlight: Greg Ward’s Journey of Faith and Growth in Scaling the Ward Law Group
Christina Miller
Associate News Editor at CEOWORLD Magazine. I lead the reporting team that covers US financial services and I write a business column for the opinion section. I write news pieces about the US and European market for start-ups and interview CEOs for our interview slot. I also presented one of the CEOWORLD magazine's early podcast hits, Money Stories, in which I persuadeded notable CEOs to share insights into the breaking news, moments of crisis and key decisions that enabled them to build successful international companies.