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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Money and Wealth - 5 Things High Net Worth Individuals Should Know To Maximize Mutual Funds Returns

Money and Wealth

5 Things High Net Worth Individuals Should Know To Maximize Mutual Funds Returns

Investments are significant to high-net-worth individuals (HNWI). These sources of abundant wealth have created success stories like no other. But, there is no easy road to money. When you enter the stock market, you accept not only its tremendous potential to manufacture wealth but also the terrifying potential to swipe off wealth without a forewarning. Knowing this, people engage in the market in myriad ways. But, the preferable option is often mutual funds.

HNWIs respect the value of a structured and diversified portfolio of investments. They also understand that sometimes experts can do the management part better than they can. So, they decide to invest in mutual funds and let a team of professionals manage their funds. But is that all? No, of course not. Nothing comes for free in the world of money-making. Mutual funds are quite risky themselves but become riskier due to certain mistakes investors commit. If you don’t want your net worth to plunge dramatically, you should avoid inevitable mistakes while investing in mutual funds. I will tell you five of them in this article. 

  1. A Risk-Free Solution
    It is interesting that many HNWIs still believe that investment in Mutual Funds is the most secure. In comparison to direct investing, yes, mutual funds offer relatively better resistance to market volatility primarily because expert fund managers manage them. However, this is only sometimes the case. Mutual funds come with varied risks. Some mutual funds are riskier than others. So, don’t think you must put all your eggs in one basket because you shouldn’t. Hire professional help if need be before investing handsomely in a mutual fund. 
  2. Study Just The History
    Our first instinct is to check the past performance of a mutual fund. We want to study it well, and its performance history is the best way, to begin with. But it would help if you did not stop right there. If you base your conclusions on annualized returns, you are ill-informed about how mutual funds work. You are never assured of the same returns. My point is that the past performance of the mutual fund cannot assure positive results in the future. Aside from past performance, you must look into other parameters such as risk tolerance and expense ratio. You may have a lot of money, but you cannot put all of it into a fund just because its history has been consistently positive. 
  3. Panic redemption is your way
    Systematic Investment Plans (SIP) are the most preferred form of mutual fund investment. They are proven strategies to develop discipline among investors. But, as they say, the capital market is for the most patient. It is part of the cycle for the market to experience fluctuations. These fluctuations often hurt the interests of the investors but shouldn’t make you panic. The market creates a lot of noise. Many investors cannot contain their anxieties and often mismanage their SIPs, as a result of which inconsistency in returns become natural. It is advised that you do not stop your SIPs or make them irregular unless there are unwarranted circumstances. Don’t exit the mutual fund too early. If you are here to invest for the long term, then you must stay put. Patience will reward you! 
  4. Not having a goal
    You cannot be aimless about your investments. It is a sign of good investment when you know where your money is going and what the returns will do for you in the future. Basically, you are expected to have a goal. Before investing, you should ask yourself why you want to invest in a particular plan and whether it will give you the right amount of returns within a particular period. A goal-oriented approach will help you choose the right mutual fund scheme and help in the smart diversification of your funds. 
  5. Thinking that they know it all
    Mutual funds may sound like an easy option, but they are not. Too many things need to be taken into account. All of these considerations are not limited to the mutual fund scheme and its attributes. They also concern you, your investment potential, and your goals. Sometimes it is better that you leave things to the experts. Of course, do your research but consult a financial advisor before you do anything. We are talking about a lot of money, and you wouldn’t want to mess with it at any cost. 

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Money and Wealth - 5 Things High Net Worth Individuals Should Know To Maximize Mutual Funds Returns
Ayushi Kushwaha
Ayushi Kushwaha, Staff Writer for the CEOWORLD magazine. She’s spent more than a decade working for various magazines, newspapers, and digital publications and is now a Staff Writer at The CEOWORLD magazine. She writes news stories and executive profiles for the magazine’s print and online editions. Obsessed with unlocking high-impact choices to accelerate meaningful progress, she helps individuals and organizations stand out and get noticed. She can be reached on email