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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Tech and Innovation - 6 Reasons Why Everyone Needs A VPN

Tech and Innovation

6 Reasons Why Everyone Needs A VPN

If you’ve ever been concerned about how your internet service provider was utilizing your data, or simply desired to watch Netflix content that isn’t available in your region, you should consider using a virtual private network (VPN).

A VPN encrypts your data and masks your IP address by routing your network activity through a secure chain to another server located miles away. Web anonymity is a must-have for anyone who plans to conduct activities on the internet, whether it’s business or pleasure.

Reasons Why You Need A VPN

From having extra security while on public networks to protecting your data, there are many reasons why using a virtual private network (VPN) is a good idea. If you’re still unsure after reading the following pointers, we recommend signing up for a free VPN trial to explore the benefits in your own time.

  1. Security on Public Wi-Fi
    Simply put, public Wi-Fi is convenient, but it comes at the risk of privacy invasion. Someone may be monitoring your online activities when you’re working on emails at a local coffee shop or aimlessly browsing social media at the airport.

    A VPN encrypts and anonymizes all of your data, allowing you to browse the internet securely and anonymously while hiding your surfing history, financial info, account passwords, and other sensitive information from prying eyes on public networks.

  2. Data Privacy From Your Internet Provider
    On a public Wi-Fi connection, you are more likely to be attacked by strangers than you are when connected to your home Wi-Fi. Your data, on the other hand, is still vulnerable. Your ISP will have access to all of your internet activity. Your ISP may look at when, where, and how you surf the web.

    Even if you use the “private” browsing option, your ISP address can be recorded by third parties and shared with advertisers. It may also be hazardous in the wrong hands in the event of a data breach, as it can hide your ISP address from your own ISP.

  3. Data Privacy From Apps
    Your ISP isn’t the only vulnerable spot in your network. Many of our favorite applications and internet services, including Facebook, have been criticized for their data-mining practices.

    A virtual private network (VPN) will prevent applications and websites from tracking your online activity and linking it to your computer’s Internet service provider address. It can also minimize the gathering of your geographical location and browser history.

  4. Security When Remote
    Another advantage of a VPN is that it encrypts your data. Encryption, also known as encoding, encodes information so that its meaning is concealed. It protects sensitive data from being intercepted or stolen by hackers and other third parties.

    If you’re a business owner considering purchasing a VPN, one advantage is that staff can use their own devices to access sensitive data while away from the workplace.

    After the epidemic, remote work may appear to be a possibility, and keeping sensitive information secure off-site via a VPN is an excellent investment.

  5. Ease
    While we all desire to increase our level of security, certain security measures and procedures cause more harm than good. VPNs, however, are simple to use. Non-technical people can now install and use a VPN easily thanks to providers that have developed easy-to-use and user-friendly interfaces.

  6. Device Compatibility
    Many VPN services also protect other smart devices, such as cellphones, tablets, and desktop computers, so many of us may try a VPN on a company-loaned laptop before purchasing one. This helps to ensure you are protected, no matter what.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Tech and Innovation - 6 Reasons Why Everyone Needs A VPN
Anna Papadopoulos
Anna Papadopoulos is a senior money, wealth, and asset management reporter at CEOWORLD magazine, covering consumer issues, investing and financial communities + author of the CEOWORLD magazine newsletter, writing about money with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind. You can follow CEOWORLD magazine on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or connect on LinkedIn for musings on money, wealth, asset management, millionaires, and billionaires. Email her at