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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Executive Insider - Corporate Karma- Is it true?

Executive Insider

Corporate Karma- Is it true?

Whether you believe in Karma or not is not the topic. The question is what happens when we do something in a certain way? Does it impact us?

“Jeff joined as the head of a team. He inherited a team of 15 people. All talented, skilled, qualified. Two managers managed the team. Jeff had his plans for the team. Instead of being a leader, he started playing his games. Slowly he started expressing his disappointment by mentioning that the existing team members were not skilled. Few team members left the team on their own sensing the risk. Jeff removed some team members. He also brought new managers to manage the team. And in a few months, it was a brand new team. Jeff tried his best to meet deliverables with the help of the new team. Unfortunately, new team members lacked the core skill and talent needed for that work.

One year down the line a new CEO joined. Jeff was the first one to get redundant.

What Jeff did to others, did it come back to him?”

“Monica worked as an analyst for a very long time in an organization. Because of the additional demand from the project, new analysts were hired. Monica felt threatened with the arrival of new analysts. She hesitated to share the knowledge with new analysts. She kind of kept everything to herself. Monica’s manager tried to coach her, but it didn’t work. A few months later, the team went through the restructure. Monica was transferred to a new project. Analysts in the new project had heard about Monica’s behaviour as part of the old team. They refused to share knowledge with her. Monica was frustrated and stressed. What Monica did to others, did it come back to her?”

“Greg started a new recruitment consultancy. It was difficult to win new clients in an already crowded competitive environment. Greg arranged a meeting with John who worked for an Insurance company. John promised all the help which was possible for him. In the end, John could just pass on the details of the recruitment team of his organization. Greg contacted the recruitment team and managed to convince them to source candidates through him, and his business kicked off.

One year down the line, John had some issues with his job. He started looking for new opportunities. He struggled for a few months and was frustrated with no luck. He suddenly thought of contacting Greg and seeking his help. After talking to Greg, Greg immediately offered his help. John got a new and better job within two months.

What John did in the past help him?”

Karma is all about what you give, will come back to you one day. It is true to a large extent in the corporate world. There are many stories which we experience in day to day corporate life. Whether you call help or favour, hatred or politics, you will go through the same. Forget about the stars and planets who (As per Karma philosophy) can control your life, what you do today shapes your life. Logic is simple, what you do to others is seen, observed and experienced by many around you leaving that impression of your personality, and people give back what you give to them.

The saying “The Corporate world is very small” itself says a lot about how we will succeed in corporate life. The word about your behaviour spreads very quickly beyond the four walls of the organization where you work. When employees in the organization get to know who is going to join as a new CEO, you will hear the stories of his/her role from the previous organization. Many anticipate what’s coming their way with the arrival of the new CEO.

Many management theories indirectly support the concept of Karma. Famous saying “What’s in it for me” emphasizes giving something to receive something. Employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction underline the same concept. If you keep them happy, they will keep you happy.

So watch out your corporate Karma. Help others whenever you can. It will come back to you for sure and that also when you need it most.

A good Corporate Karma is all about creating a win-win situation.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Executive Insider - Corporate Karma- Is it true?
Ravindra Puri
I am an Indian-Australian Keynote speaker, Corporate Trainer, Columnist , Business excellence professional, naturalist and yoga practitioner based in Sydney, Australia. My corporate life is associated with large organizations in India and Australia. My mission is to spread positivity and happiness and help others to live more consciously.

Ravindra Puri is an opinion columnist for the CEOWORLD magazine. You can follow him on LinkedIn and his website.