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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Education and Career - Top 5 Hacks To Score High In Exams

Education and Career

Top 5 Hacks To Score High In Exams

There is something that goes on in every student’s mind, that is how to score higher marks in exams. We live in a civilization where grades are considered to be directly proportional to one’s intelligence and success; however, even if it is not the ultimate truth, we can’t deny the essence of grades on our life.

Following are top 5 effective yet efficient hacks, which will come in handy for you to score high in exams.

  1. Pay attention in class
    This hack might sound clichéd, but it is an undeniable fact that paying attention in class does help. No matter how much you hate the subject, or maybe even dislike the teacher, but when you pay attention in the classroom, you grasp a lot of valuable information.

    You can also take notes in class, which can manifold your interest in the subject. You can make the most out of the notes when you go back home and reread them. It would help you prepare for your exams as the concepts would be clear and all you would have to do is revise!

  2. Keep reading
    Don’t start preparing right before the exams. One night of hard work doesn’t pay off as well as consistent work does. Be consistent and keep reading throughout the semester, so the work doesn’t pile up a few days before the exams. Make your shortcuts to memorize facts and dates.

    Strategize your way to understand every subject and give special attention to the ones you are weak in. Students tend to ignore the subject which they do not like and end up scoring less marks in them, which, in turn, decreases their overall grade.

  3. Plan your schedule and follow it
    We all know planning is the key to success, but we should realize that a plan is useless if we don’t follow it. Plan your schedule daily, weekly, or monthly, according to what suits you and start following it. Plan your goals and give rewards to yourself when you achieve them. But before that, it’s even more important for you to know your potential and then set the goals accordingly. Don’t set an impossible goal because when you miss your deadline, you may get demotivated. You can break down a bigger goal into smaller ones; for example, you can divide one module (bigger goal) into smaller chapters (smaller goals) and tick off the items in your schedule. It will not only give you a sense of satisfaction but will help you reach your goal quickly and in a systematic manner.
  4. Eat well
    Not only is junk food easily accessible, but also pretty economical and thus we end up consuming a lot of unhealthy food only to ruin our health. It is very important for students to be healthy and active so that they can concentrate on studies. Healthy food boosts the performance of the brain and helps you to memorize quickly. One avoids a lot of diseases if they choose to eat well. As a matter of fact, proper sleep also becomes a vital part of our well-being. A properly rested body can work more effectively and efficiently than a tired and unhealthy body.
  5. Solve sample questions
  6. Once you are done with memorizing the necessary portion, it’s time for you to revise the subjects so that you are confident before taking the final exam. The best way to go about it is through sample papers. You should solve as many sample papers as possible along with previous year question papers. It gives you an idea about the kind of questions asked in exams. You can also time yourself while solving those papers and score yourself and then work on your weaknesses. This not only helps you to identify your weaknesses but also gives you a chance to strengthen them.

Practice is the key to success, do it as much as you can. Plan your schedule wisely and work for achieving high scores. But do keep in mind that the world isn’t going to end on grades; even if you fail to score well, it does not mean you cannot succeed in life. So, keep trying and we are sure you will achieve heights!

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Education and Career - Top 5 Hacks To Score High In Exams
Anna Papadopoulos
Anna Papadopoulos is a senior money, wealth, and asset management reporter at CEOWORLD magazine, covering consumer issues, investing and financial communities + author of the CEOWORLD magazine newsletter, writing about money with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind. You can follow CEOWORLD magazine on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or connect on LinkedIn for musings on money, wealth, asset management, millionaires, and billionaires. Email her at